Positivity Thread (To counteract the karmic imbalance caused by the Venting Thread)


He writes super well
but he does not write in english
reaper start writing in english :frowning:

Do you feel like you are
In the write
because of it :^)

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I am planning in do some specific scenarios to write about. A fist fight, an astronaut at empty space, an epic battle, a journey and honestly even dare to describe sex
I am just procrastinating but the ideas are already here

Where is our RP so I can practice REEEE

not so hard to do the last if you become a wattpad fanfictioner

do you want it to be at bf or private

I mean I wanna do it nice tho

always use the word “member”

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Well I honestly dont mind either, do as you like
At private may be better as I am practicing tho

honestly I hate this so much and I don’t even read r18 fics

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Thats funny cause I literally took a mental note to never ever use that

yep I would also preffer private

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have you ever used “not like other girls”

She had a member, but not like other girls.


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Thats gonna be it then
I am pretty free this week so maybe tomorrow if you feel like so?

I’m already creating it
we discuss more details tomorrow



also worth noting your character is literally reaper and mine a mercenary LMAO