Positivity Thread (To counteract the karmic imbalance caused by the Venting Thread)

I just realised this whole discussion has been in the positivity thread so I’m gonna see if I can get the thread back on track as soon as i can think of a big positive thing



I probably would be unable to be hired by many places due to some opinions and many joke tweets (Insanity. you’ve seen one of them).

but then again.

Australians dont really care about politics as much as a place like the USA or the UK do.
So I believe I could still be hired.

Im centre-right leaning

Now Jas.

I have the answer to get this thread back.

You say a topic that politics are unable to be inputted into unless someone deliberately tries hard to do so.

Positive Thing: I turn 17 in two days :smiley:


Nice :wink:

I’m a tiny bit slightly left (decimal number) more libertarian

I turn 16 in like…

20 days

im left

far, center, mid?

Yeah im rather libertarian-capitalist

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Hjasik is a commie xd


Aight then, cool.

positive thing I’ve had a girlfriend for five and a bit months and I can still hardly believe it


Doing better than me :fingerguns:

I’ve had one for nearly 2 months now ever since I decided to get back with her.

I was dating her for a month before I broke up with her back in like… September?

This was because of irl complications primarily.

Complications meaning that I’ve liked someone else irl.

Having an online relationship can be hard at times.

Send the Polar Ice Caps straight to hell