Possessor Day Ability

(Day) Ventriloquism [2 Uses]: Decide target’s verdict during a trial (Execute or Pardon). Target will be informed they were forced. Will not work on king or the accused. Target can not vote up or decide a verdict for the rest of the day. [1-Day Cooldown].

Notification For Possessor: "You forced [Target]'s verdict to be Execute/Pardon.
Notification For Victim: A possessor forced your verdict to be Execute/Pardon.

Why this would be beneficial:

  1. Ventriloquism gives possessor help during the late game. If the possessor is on trial, they can force a target to vote innocent, or if another person is on trial, can give them vote majority temporarily with 3-5 alive players.

  2. Ventriloquism would gives evils/neutrals with specific goals claim space during trial. A member of the unseen, cult, or a neutral siding against Blue Dragon can claim they were forced to vote something unusual during a trial that would likely help them achieve their goal without a large amount of suspicion.

  3. This would cause unseen/cult to be less likely to claim majority, looking for neutrals/king to side with them. If there was a one person difference, it could be a major backfire, since the possessor could force a member of the main evil faction to vote execute or pardon, depending on the scenario.

  4. Possessor is currently the class with the lowest win rate. Ventriloquism would give the possessor the buff it currently needs. Possessor is horrendous late game, since it is the only Neutral Killer without an ability that would benefit them during the current day.

What I might change:

I might lower the usage of Ventriloquism to one, since it is a powerful ability. It could be too powerful with 2 uses, as it could remove threats too quickly/easily.

Ventriloquism would be terrible at removing threats. People are not usually voted up late game without intent to kill anyways making in unnecessary there.

However it is still a good ability assuming the target is only informed after the vote about the possession.

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Specifically it makes you unlynchable during the final 3 which makes it a good ability for that reason alone. The lack of easy offensive use is simply a downside that you don’t seem to realize exists and is actually a good thing that keeps it in check.

This is practically a nerfed Chill, can’t we be more creative? Possessor is already starting to turn into a Reaper clone with Possess bypassing healing.