The court awakened and bodies of the day were revealed. Gilbert Carew, who had been leading the court with his claims and accusations, was found dead. A dispute broke out before The Observer spoke up.
“I know who did it. Reginald Alard visited Gilbert that night.”
All attention turned to one man; Reginald. The King rose one hand, held out one finger, and yelled one word. “TRAITOR!” Mr. Alard was put up for treason, and he scrambled his notes together.
“I swear, I’m innocent. I’m the Court Wizard! You can trust me, you know I’m innocent!”
The court listened not to him and all votes went toward his guilt. He was executed and the body revealed everything. He was, in fact, the Court Wizard.
The day closed with people whispering amongst themselves, and people decided that The Observer was to die next.
When dawn broke, The Observer was found dead, with lifeless eyes. It had seemed like his soul had been ripped from him. His eyes had no irises and his body was cold to the touch. The Physician was called to the scene but not a single scratch or bruise was found by him. Confused murmuring surrounded the body, all except one man. The King. He was acting mighty strange and seemed to be completely out of it. People simply put it down to the shock of The Observer’s strange death, but that would be their greatest mistake.
Notes: I think there could be a lot more added to this, and I also feel like it needs to be more clear that this is Possessor lore without reading the title. Also, this is my first post, so please be gentle as I am still getting used to this website.