I’ve been thinking on the idea of reducing PoE possibilities, one thing that comes to mind is maybe making non-uniques go up to 3ish, and raising the amount of players in a game. Origionally this was probably a no-go during the times when it took minutes rather than seconds for a game to start, but lately I haven’t seen a game take more than 20 seconds to start, it could be an option to consider. It would greatly reduce the odds of say claiming CW and 2 CW dying etc…
of course the real drawback might be game legnths increasing as well. So there’s more thought to it there. This may fall more to a discussion than a suggestion, as I’m currious what others think on the idea, and how the class list would be rebalanced if such were there. One of the huge perks of the way ToL is designed, is that graphically there isn’t an art/asset problem that would come from changing the quantity of players at a table (hence why we were able to get 16 without issue).