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I’m not 32 u fuk

1 Like

My bad, 33

Sometimes I forget how sensitive you are about your age :wink:

(Just a joke btw)

nice title

OwO what’s this

Nice edit

also hurry up and acknowledge your title so i can change it back :^)

Hey! Rood!

change it back you Degenerate


I thought I deserve the degenerate title @@

What happened to his title? :thinking:

it disappeared so i had to manually re-enable it bc marl is a lazy Degenerate

  • Ban Marl
  • no

0 voters

people who vote no are over 50 years old

I may sound like a dude, but I don’t sound that old

Also, I voted no so I could continue watching him suffer :3

is venom a slime girl

Banning Marl will allow for greater wagonomic opportunities.

It’s the best decision that can be made.

Uhhhhhh… oh shit sweats
