Prince rework Less powerful

Because Jake is completely right, you would need to buff some of the blue dragon classes if prince was like this.

Then you have to rework the factions with prince, as if prince wasn’t there.

Oh yeah, because jailing randomly is suuper tactical. Great.

Then rework the evil factions as if prince was actually preventing them from winning.

During the times of the Mystic Meta, I would agree with you.
Illutionist is powerful, but then if they openclaimed they would be highly suspect if someone was framed. If they didn’t openclaim, then people would just collaborate on who they would investigate and anyone who flipped not unseen would be trusted because you can’t unframe someone.

  1. This isn’t me trying to rework every evil faction right now it might be a bit hard to do in under a day.
  2. what do you even mean randomly jailing? there’s nothing that causes prince to randomly jail over the other prince with these changes.
  3. That’s the idea.

I think generally you aren’t listening to me, of course at least a good 10% will go down for bd’s win rate.
But there’s ways of buffing classes and nerfing classes in a general sense, I do think bds win rate should be around 45%, evils should be 39% and nk should be 15% (Other 1%)

The problem is I don’t know how hard prince nerfs could effect the game so it’s hard to balance around that.

I mean, for the first 3 days, you’ll pretty much be at a loss of info, so you have no choice but to randomly jail people. By the 4th day, you should have at least enough information to pick out who the scum are but you can’t jail anyone.

Every class should have an equal chance of winning the game. 33% for everyone should be the goal, so that you can’t just sit back and let everyone else do the work knowing that you’re probably going to win as BD

So let me explain you can’t jail three times in a row

So N1, N2 Miss N3, N4, N5, Miss N6.
or you can wait so you can jail other nights like n3 and n6.

just makes prince more tatical when jailing

I disagree with that in a sense I think majority factions should have a higher win rate *Bd/Unseen/Cult

While Nk should be more of a challenge but still winnable. (Like it currently is)

But you don’t know if people that should die in jail will pop up on those days. You can’t plan for the future if you don’t know much in the first place.

Why should majority factions be able to laze around and win? Unseen/Cult can’t do that. Why should NK be the hardest class to get? People who get NK who hear “Ok you got a 15% chance of winning this” would pretty much give up because it’s almost impossible to win. And if the NK gives up, then the Cultseen winrates go down, furthering this cycle until we’re back at where we are today.

The problem with this is, that it is highly unmotivating for 15 or less other people to lose the game 33% of the time due to a NK

Nks win rate is already at 15% it shouldn’t have a high win rate because it’s fun for the challenge.

Also that’s the idea to nerf prince, they should be using there jails more wisely.

Fk also makes a good point
33% win for everyone else kinda brings down everyone with it and ruins the fun challenge of being nk
some people aren’t going to like a low win rate, some don’t enjoy a class and it happens it’s the players fault for leaving.

Neutral Killers should work for the win. You shouldn’t give them an auto 33% win rate due to mechanical play alone. Good Neutral Killers will win the game right now where lazy people who don’t try won’t.

Gloats about my 37% sorc win rate

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You can’t future proof yourself without basically just sitting around and doing nothing, which means that you aren’t collecting info, which means sitting around and doing nothing is less effective, making the “better play” is really making the worse play.

So why do the other 2 factions get to laze around and do basically nothing?

Tell that to the developers. Mechanics make people lazy.

uh so a class that wins less then 50% of the time can just laze around no?

Alch is basically a 50/50 class and it can laze around.

If you’re talking about the Cultseen, they can just wait for the BD to self-destruct, maybe sometimes stoking the fire, but mainly just keeping the BD from killing them.

But aren’t you the one saying alchemist having a more evil ability a more of a bad thing?

alchemist outing d1 is the issue bd and unseen/cult normally just leave it be aslong as you don’t have someone who hates neutrals you’ll be fine.

It pressures them to be more evil sided. It’s like if you gave Neutral King the ability to kill someone if they weren’t completely BD-sided. It would be unbalanced, but aside from that, it would pressure them to be more BD sided. Sure, alch could try to side with BD, but it would literally be easier if the sided Cultseen. Just like this New Neut King could side Evils, but it would be easier to side BD.

cool so then neutral killer isn’t the problem. Blue dragon is the problem here

If the BD put effort in, then they would dominate. It’s not that “one class can win because the others are lazy” it’s just that if everyone put effort in then NK would almost never win.