Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Ohnoes. I call you my top scum. Angry Durian noises
Actually you’re my top town for now. Because you seem different from when you are scum.
Scum!Max =/= Pusher.
Scum!Max == Sheep.

As if i make reads :confused:

So you wanna be hanged? Cool I guess.

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Look at Ashe’s posts when Isolated
Do you think she sounds more like mafia or more like town?

Too lazy to find it :slight_smile:

/vote Memesky
you can die then

Sure. I have a bad feeling about this.

Welcome to the game
Lynch Memesky.

Hey buddy did you get a link in your PM?

I didn’t even get a PM yet!

also, once you’ve received your class card and you’ve caught up -
Tell us ONE PERSON who is your top town
If you’re the cop, tell us the person you know is town from your N0 check.
If you’re not the cop, don’t say anything but pretend you are anyway

…I wasn’t reading the thread, I’ll do that now while waiting for card.

I would’ve said VI, but I thought to check their ISO. When going through it, this post of theirs seems fairly scummy (in a sort of deflection tactic sort of way) to me:

The fact that they’re now not providing reads reinforces the VI read, but it could just as easily be incompetent scum, and in a reads-based game not providing reads makes a citizen almost dead weight, so I’m not really sure what to think about them. What are your thoughts?

He’s probably mafia but even if he isn’t

We have no use for a citizen who refuses to play the game. As soon as the day started he specifically said he wasn’t cop. We have nothing to fear from lynching him. If he isn’t scum he’s borderline gamethrowing.

I want Memesky to be today’s lynch.

Yeah, that’s what I figured. I’ll /vote Memesky too then.

Can i drop out and let someone who’s good at this swap me?



/vote Meme

:clap: Give :clap: us :clap: your :clap: top :clap: town :clap: