Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Vote Target Voters Number of Votes
!Memesky Marluxion, Ashe, CaptainNerbins 3
MaximusPrime ,Hippolytus 1
Mthejoker Firekitten 1
Hippolytus htm 1
Htm Memesky 1

CaptainNerbins has subbed in.
@Memesky do you really want to sub out?

You and Ashe.

this doesnā€™t help me at all

I still need to finish reading the thread, okay?

Also, Ici, fixed it for you.

Oh did you finally get a link in PM?

No, I just got a message from Ici after he invited me saying,
Please confirm in thread.ā€

Also, thereā€™s no mystic or anything this game.
How the hell would I get a link?

You tell me. :wink:

/drop wont ruin the game for others cuz im not as good in them,someone who knows this better should be my slot

@Memesky has subbed out. A slot is now open!

1 Like

Iā€™m going to /unvote them then, since part of why I voted them in the first place was a lack of participation in reads.

(which isnā€™t necessarily indicative of their role, but potentially more on the player)

Vote Target Voters Number of Votes
Memeskyā€™s Slot Marluxion, CaptainNerbins 2
MaximusPrime ,Hippolytus 1
Mthejoker Firekitten 1
Hippolytus htm 1
Htm Memeskyā€™s Slot 1

Now a question. Is it worth to vote for Memeskyā€™s Slot or nah? Right now itā€™s hard to believe he is town. :thinking:

Ima go after memesky

/Vote Meme

The rest of the town look quizzicly at you as you point at an empty patch of air


He diedā€¦

Spicy vote.

/vote Whammerist

Remember d1 of d1 where I said I was actively reading someone as scum but didnā€™t want to out it yet just so i could see more interactions?

This is that. Iā€™ve been reading Whamm as scum since super early in the game, which is partially why i dodged his question when he asked me for my read on him.