Some doodles across games
Swiggity Swooty I’m Coming for That Booty! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is inappropriate.
Gonna say borderline okay. We do say we allow pg13. Usually you see butts and side-boob in pg13 movies, for example, but barely made that line. However, this doesn’t mean excessively keep making deathnotes like this since it was the only one, too, then I’d say “…okay”
If Spongebob can show butts so can we.
But… Luigi’s bulge!
And… The Venus de Milo!
And… every female comic book character ever drawn on any mass-marketed publicity poster prior to 2004!
And… she isn’t even naked! She’s wearing a pink latex supersuit with a heart insignia on her booty to display her SuperPower of Love!!! Like c’mon, what self-respecting red-head would actually get a heart tatted on her ass. Like she needs it. Over killllll
tl;dr i avoided any nips or naughty bits and its definitely not intended to be degrading. so idk, i guess the artist here promises no nudes were harmed in the making of that one specific death note <3