Purgatory 2 - Demon Chat

I can excuse myself for the first few days that I don’t want to be sent to heaven, so that I can have some impact on the votes, but I can’t do that for too long.

Do you mind passing that readlist here, before you post it in the thread? @MtheJoker :slight_smile: We should use scum chat for the tool that it is.


Just, so you won’t forget to get to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It would reflect badly on you otherwise.


Please man, you almost have Max on your side even. I think I can manage myself to get into heaven, so one of you has to step up and get there too or we can’t win. Just meme away and say you’re a demon that belongs in hell or whatever. They always townread you for that shit. (I hope, you might know better)

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I have to fake the shade dude. It’s typical town Solic. No offense intended.

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I hope Mathblade isn’t going to 100% tryhard this out as in NFOL or we might be in bad shape, but simultaneously there are no classes here that he can use to gamesolve, so let’s fool the “best”.

Also @Memesky @Parfait if at any point you reach L-1 votes to go to heaven, self hammer immediately. You can vote yourself in this game mode.

Are you still doing that read list M?

Yeah, had my birthday so

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Right, hope you had a good one! :slight_smile: My brother has the same birthday as you.

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Oh what a coincidence! :smile:

The long awaited read list
Memesky - Null. 2 post total.

Icibalus - Slight scum lean. Has some weird logic for voting memesky, while it is true i don’t think scum would vote their afk scum buddy for no reason, we can’t rule out that they wanted that we think this and as a result send a demon to heaven.

Mathblade - Scum lean. Math had a very weird entrance, replaced in for FK and just went total aggro. Just posting 1 word posts containting “Scum” or “Town” with no explanation at all. A bit too agressive for town I think.

Overthebin - Null. Did have a very interesting interaction with Solic which makes me think TvT, but thats all bin has posted. Going to need more posts

Solic - Town lean. Like i said above interesting interaction with Overthebin which makes me think TvT, in contradiction to Bin Solic has actually posted more and showed Town motivation. But its just Fase 2 yet so anything can change

Ashe - Town lean. Posted a readlist, lots of town motivation. so yeah town lean

Maximus - Scum lean. Almost no town motivation, randomly voting memesky with no explanation.

What do you think?

yeah im posting it in chat

So impatient.

If we get Memesky to heaven this phase, I very strongly feel like we can win, but we can’t really push for it after the statements we have made. We must sow discord amongst them, such that they feel the randomness point Ici made makes sense and it is their only option.

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Memesky also doesn’t need to talk if we get him to heaven this phase. Aggressively ping him if he reaches 4 votes though. We need to use that self-hammer option at all times.

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Yeah maybe what we did wasnt the best idea…

I think it’s fine one of us is doing it. If Memesky posts something that allows you to flip your read and we get him to heaven, I could bus you and with the town credit soar to heaven and win.

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Yeah if we sent meme to heaven you should def bus me