Purgatory 2 - Devils Definitely Did Cry - Lost Souls win!

MathBlade has subbed in for Firekitten

Catching up now.

Cool, time to send a demon to hell hopefully

So this game in general follows a lot of flipless mafia rules with a twist.

The general idea is we do actually get information but the game needs to be played backwards not forwards.

The general idea is that we play the game as normal right up until day three. Unless scum have completely sucked or snowed us there will be a day three.

In this specific instance it will be a fact at least one town got sent to hell. This game is about balls to the wall make your claim and push it hard. Mainly as town we want as many associatives as possible

This is wrong.

You scum?

Scum 2.0


I would like to put in a complaint with your Marlanager that youā€™re town but youā€™re not being townie enough. Come lead town with me.

Parfait third scum.

Agreed. Solic is town.

I would love to say that youā€™re right except that youā€™re not

Why not? Explain how you see the game so far and how youā€™re trying to solve it.

This is definitely scum.

No one is posting anything useful or anything at all really. I donā€™t really like Iciā€™s posts though, so my gutreads are that ici is scum and that firekitten is proabbly town(probably ashe as well tbh?)

also did you just ask marl to lead town with you? heā€™s the host lmao

It means scum donā€™t want any part of it and it is TVT back the fuck off each other

Ding ding ding :slight_smile:

I put in something stupid to get a reaction.

And you didnā€™t notice who I replaced. So youā€™re pointing out I am not paying attention while not paying attention yourself.

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And yet she does nothing to get them. Not even some random statement.


well okay