Just a small qol request. When a link fails, can the message be displayed in psychic chat?
I hate spending all night wondering why my target is not claiming.
Just a small qol request. When a link fails, can the message be displayed in psychic chat?
I hate spending all night wondering why my target is not claiming.
It does say in regular chat, also there is no link noise
also does it still say both players where unreachable ?
It does say it on the main chat window, but why not the screen of focus for the skill? I sometimes switch to psychic chat before linking someone to ask dead a question, then link to confirm answer.
You should link on the first screen before clicking ‘pychic’ tab. It is pretty obvious if the link failed.
Why not just show the message on both? There is literally no reason to argue against it. Why are you fighting against such an easy change that has no downside?
Eh, I’d say it was a priority. There is two ways it tells you a link failed (No sound and message). Sure, they can do this if want, but it’s not especially important IMO.
Is this a new forum game type?
Quality of Life
So you would shut down an idea because you think it shouldn’t be a priority? That’s not the point of feedback/suggestions, you tell the devs what they want and they decide how to prioritize them.
Eh, still feel you shouldn’t be not noticing the link failed as is
I agree with the OP, show it in both chat windows. Its a very minor quality of life change, one i myself dont particularly need. However if it helps certain players preform better as psychic why not? Its quite easy to implement so it wouldnt take much development time away from ‘‘priorities’’
I see your point but I personally I have never had this problem
In addition to this I think it should automatically put you in the Psychic tab if the link works.
lmao I totally agree NuclearBurrito how many times I’ve started talking to myself after linking haha
You aren’t kidding. So annoying.