I understand that all those colored symbols for occupy immunity, death immunity, conversion immunity, etc. are to help new players understand certain passives that are common in many classes, and I think that’s a great thing. But as a veteran, I personally prefer the old clean menu with all neat classes, so if it’s possible, would a button switching back and forth between the menu with all the symbols and a menu without one be too much to ask for?
Tbh I’m a vet and I like the new one too.
I disagree. its more fast to just see the name of the class and the icons than clicking and read all the abilities.
Please yes. A simple button to enable/disable the symbols would be great. I preferred the old clean class cards and I still do. The symbols are distracting and excessive in my opinion.
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Yeah, I agree. The symbols are really distracting. I think this would be a great convenience if it was toggle-able.
I mean I’m in agreement with @NightX all the symbols are distracting and the clean cutness of the old menu was really majestic, and for us, we already know everything about every class, sooooo