Question for FoL / FM players here that don't play ToL

A lot of ToL metas are in fact social strategies, just a bit simplified.

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I think FoL is less bland because you can actually have an influence and read-making is easier

In ToL is far more mech based and while controlling info is fine I’m not a big fan

clarification: i’ve never seen anything that wasn’t mechanical or a ToL metas
All of the ToL metas, I consider to not be social-based at all and all absurdly simple and counterable

:thinking: do you see vote count analysis as “not social based”? Cuz quite a lot of players do that, and most players understand what you mean when you say “5 didn’t vote up the Mastermind, he’s likely Assassin”

ToL is fine and all

If I could, I’d play it sometimes

But I remember playing a game after I got into FM

Just a way less serious environment
Usually just knights being exed until someone has info

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i disagree vehemently
but let’s just agree to disagree
since neither of us are ever going to change anyone’s mind on this
cc @Arete
this is going nowhere


It’s like a mega mech power turbo with a bunch of people ya don’t really know(and a few you do)

It’s harder to actually formulate reads and get ur voice heard in 90 seconds when 15 others are trying to do the same

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I mean if you’re starting from a perspective where analysis that is literally entirely based on how different players are treating other slots (and, notably, is a common type of analysis in FM! it’s not unique to ToL!) doesn’t count as ‘social’ then it makes sense that you would think that no one in ToL tries to socially deduce

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If y’all like a 16p mech power turbo with lotsa shouting then sure

But I think n is justified
Doing that for over 1100 hours can tire some people out


Saying “fast trial” or “5 didnt vote up 9 he’s MM” is just the ToL way to say abbrevations like TWTBW etc
It doesn’t mean it’s not social
It’s just easier to understand it for new players, and it’s easier to say it short in a turbo

Also I think N might be misconstruing metas for social deduction, because after 1000 hours, most SD things are known very quickly and easily, and actually figuring things out is less difficult

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*for ToL

Fm has wayyyy more nuance

talking in this thread is wasting my time
i disagree with this post too but eh
im done here

if you’re the NK just always vote everything up if other people are, that way if an evil gets exe’d you’ll have voted them up and no one cross-references against lists of people who voted up BD

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If I played 1100 hours worth of ToL games

And played that same amount of FM games(like the number of ToL games n played)

Not only would I be like 40 at that point, I’d have an outstanding grasp on all things FM(I would hope)

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To be honest, you played it 1100 hours… that’s a lot. A real lot.
It’s not like… a bad game just cuz you get tired after such a huge amount of hours
I guess it’s even normal.
Players with so many hours as I have methods to keep us interested despite our normal instincts. Because it’s actually very rare that you spend so much time on a single game.

On my steam list… I have 1.8k hours on ToL.
And 200 on my next most played game.

If I’d play so many FM games as I played ToL games… and only one FM at a time (let’s say one FM per two weeks)…
I would have to play over 125 years nonstop FM. :wink:

i suspect that unlike you, the majority of my time spent playing ToL, I was not trying very hard.