Question for FoL / FM players here that don't play ToL

ToL is fun to me except for one thing: the lack of a comprehensive feedback list.
Sometimes I have no idea where my feedback came from even though I know what all the classes do and it’s annoying.
And the bugs can be annoying too. But generally, I quite enjoy ToL. The faster-paced gameplay makes it fun most of the time.

this line of reasoning as a meta is horrific in all cases, as I’ve said before.
Groupscum members now (including me) usually accuse a teammate when it’s obvious and inevitable that they’re about to be put on the stand, even if no member of the groupscum is bussing.
this might have been a reliable meta at some point, but it definitely isn’t now.


at this point, it has absolutely come to the point meta-wise where it’s much less suspicious to accuse a groupscum while pardoning them than not accuse one while executing them.

again, i do not consider any of these metas to be social based in any way.
Social reads must be mainly based on reading someone’s tone and textual composition style, IMHO, which there’s never really time for in ToL
Just widely known but absurdly counterable ToL metas which all have become extremely bland for me

i do not really consider reading voting habits to be a social read.

This is obvious untrue.
Most cultseen are NOT voting up their team members, and most often they pardon or abstain on them.

every game i’ve played within at least the past 4 months, i have almost always seen the exact opposite

What did I do lmao

big spreadsheet

the meta has devolved to the state where doing this for doomed players (not everyone, if it’s fightable they obviously fight as do I) is definitely more optimal than not doing so

It would be more optimally, yes.
But in practice… they are doing what I described. I’ve seen it literally multiple times today.

well then i guess i always get extremely strange groups then

my reference applies only to doomed members of the groupscum, which doesn’t always happen and often is not the case.

You show a kind of self-awareness which is unusual for ToL players. BD players are not trying to behave towny.

Oof yeah

Worked great when I had the time to do it lmao

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Hard relate

How’s your season gone?

I know that like rip birdalliance

Sorry, I was too fast.
So, here:
Most BD players are not trying to behave towny.
That’s why most scum players are not trying to behave too towny as well. Because “appearing towny” is neither good for town nor evils. It just gets attention on you and gets you killed.
Thats why the “counter-meta” you described isn’t really existing. Some people do it, but not many.

No clue, I am very unplugged from the frc world rn lmao

I’m volunteering at the event here at Waterloo, and I think my team is doing they’re first comp in two weeks


My team was at W1 but got knocked out in the first set of semis