Question regarding gamethrowing as Fool/scorned/inquisitor

Someone told me last game that if are dead and you leave the game after winning as a Fool or Inquisitor it counts as gamethrowing. Is this true? I know you probably won’t get the gold from winning, but does it really count as gamethrowing? Seems a bit harsh.

Also on another note, what happens if as a scorned or inquisitor who already won you decide to become a neutral king and then you are killed? Does that count as gamethrowing too?

It’s pretty much impossible for those roles to gamethrow

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I thought that as well, but said person said that according to the rules “it counts as gamethrowing when you purposely do anything that decreases the chances of winning of your faction, even if you are the only member of said faction.” And according to them leaving the game after you already won counts as this. Just wanted to make sure if it was true or not since I usually leave the game right after I win as a fool.

They don’t have a faction…

Scorned could technically Gamethrow if they never tried getting their targets killed

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The point of gamethrowing rules is that the game is balanced around everyone being there and trying to win… if you’ve already won or lost, you are not gamethrowing. Your personal choice of whether to wait for the end to collect the gold is not a reason for gamethrowing rules.

inquisitor… I’d say yes if you are still alive, leaving while alive is pretty much reportable. Fool… no your impact on the game has come and gone…

In short, I believe it is always gamethrowing to leave while alive, and never against the rules to leave while dead.

if you have info for psych as dead BD…

True there, but that also can be mitigated to an extent if you toss the information onto another dead before leaving.

Regardless of that though, when you are off the board (IE dead), and don’t have any stake in what’s going on… leaving is not gamethrowing. Gamethrowing rules are there to protect the remaining players from losses caused by disapearing people. Not because it is a crime to not get your own gold at the end of the game.

If your dead then leave. It can’t ever be considered throwing. Nothing says you have to pass info on as the dead. Even when you don’t leave.

I would consider it game throwing to withhold valuable information. Tell the psychic, and then leave

I strongly doubt the devs do. I usually wait one night and see if we have a psychic and then bounce anyways. Especially if it’s n1 thru 4. Sitting dead chat is boring.

It’s much easier sitting in dead chat as cult/unseen - you at least know how well your side is doing.

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Agreed. Evil shoud lose the ability to see live evil chat and future plans. Kind of a dumb mechanic.

I personally like getting salty at teammates trying to convert the alchemist again.

I don’t see a reason why… it doesn’t add any usable inteligence, and it makes it more fun from that position. Were it not for the risk of DK’s,psychics, and the risk of streaming I’d be in favor of dead BDs seeing that stuff to make teh game more fun to watch (again though, against it because of the unmidigatable risks).

Do you know how much more gold evil make off execute and assassination than BD?

maybe 1 extra call every 3 games or so… I mean generally unseen/cult are talking about who they want to kill that night. Not so much planning a day ahead… and you generally don’t know your ally is going down soon.

70% of the freebies are available to all, when the guy says “I’ve been poisoned” and there’s not likely to be a phys/alc left.

you don’t get gold for predicting death by poison

Am i the only one who makes gold off of the targets my assasin marks to kill?

Yes because they don’t do it ahead of time.