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Is the FoL discord still a thing or did that get yeeted

Whatever you’re referencing probably does not exist. The ToL Discord and the Crossover Discord of course exist. There’s also https://discord.gg/2xBYjRM which is used by many forumers.

I figured it got yeeted since a banned user owned it

I believe the very old server does still exist, but I left it back in June 2019 so I ain’t in it to check or anything. Thinking about that server reminded me about a lot of people who aren’t here anymore tbh and the fact I was almost one of them. Also the fact that you probably don’t remember me whatsoever considering we interacted for about a month and then you left.

Either way, glad to have you back, you were a great person from what I remember but hell, it’s been 2 years so what do I know.


it does not


he spelled it wrong smh what a l00ser


Oh no.

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i think that server exists but its dead

joined some Fol discord a long time ago and it was inactive

Hey I’m looking for a cohost of the game I’m planning on running, is anyone interested?

finally i got gay mafia to run

and i only had to bribe 2 people


Wait, what happened to Vig10?

i put ransomware on dat birds account that would delete everything on his computer if gay mafia didnt run before vig10


Ah crap he got access to the joy virus

i hacked into the mainframe

It passed review. Didnt get picked for the small game

eevee’s thought of a day:

Because the more complicated a game is, the more difficult it is for the Town, there comes a point where increasing the number of pro-Town power roles may actually tilt the game balance in favour of the Mafia.


Obviously having a cop is more helpful than just having plain townies. But there comes a point where having more and more roles only complicates the situation.

  1. Town power roles can hurt townies when interacting with each other.
    Vig can kill townie
    Doc can heal scum
    Tracker can out other townie PR
    Bodyguard can kill vig

  2. This leads to confusion, which can only hurt the town. In such a situation it will be much easier for the Scum - i.e. the informed minority to work out what is going on than the Town.
    2.1. Truthful claims by pro-town players may appear to be false due to weird combination of roles effects.
    2.2. It becomes easier for scum to get away with fake claims (they can also explain away inconsistencies by some unidentified complexity ie. roleblock / framing).
    2.3. It becomes impossible or difficult for anyone to confirm themselves. Which is probably worst of outcomes - someone claims a role, town doesn’t believe him, but scum knows it’s actually real and can play around it.

  3. Even without interactions, complicated roles may lead to lynches or clears purely bsing on a claim. Ie. Role to complicated to be belivable being lynched despite being pro-town.
    On the other side - when setup is outed to have heavy complex roles, it leads to paranoia on certain roles, leading to potentially refusing to clear certain clearing roles.

  4. Conversely, where there is a complex set-up it gives the Scum much more leeway in coming up with fake claims. Once it has been established that there are complex/improbable roles in the game, the Scum can make up complex/improbable fake claims, safe in the knowledge that they will not be counterclaimed and the improbability of their claim will not be used against them.

So question is… where is the point where adding additional town role to the setup is tilting game more into scum favour?


Dunno. You’d need to experiment with that.
My random guess would be when 70% of all power roles are town.

laughs in mad17

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