Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

I mean, I am biased but I do enjoy it so I wanted to bring it here.
First one went alright, there was a bit of inactivity but it worked out.
Second one was just too inactive.

So I am hoping this one goes well.
I made all of the rolecards for here because of lol formatting differences.


Also, which other ones have they won?

Everyone is Mafia Mafia

things like neutral showdown/survivor, usually misc-type games, where everyone is their own faction and is trying to get to the end/achieve some other wincon


It’s less alliances and more memey than survivor. Everyone has a role and roles are huge part of game, simialir to The Tower. It’s quite luck based tbh as during the game lots of ppl get the opportunity to just kill someone 100% and theres very little the potential targets can do about it.

Idk maybe ur meant to have alliances I only had one alliance which was with Wolfy in the first one and turned out he had an alliance with everyone so it didnt rlly count lol

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if anyone wants to discuss do it here

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Purgatory should probably change its start date and

20 posts per day

I dont think that really changes anything, but maybe itll make stuff run a little better(but if hyperposting is the problem maybe not) but I dont care too much

I agree with the 2-games thing, seeing as a 15 and a 30p game probably shouldnt run alongside an 18p

NewD3 nearly didn’t have enough players in a 9p setup
JoaT^2 hasn’t filled as a 15p setup in like… 3 days?
I agree with it limited to 2.

I think the 3/2/1 aka large/medium/small system works pretty well

and yeah, a large setup and 2 medium ones running at the same time would be no

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On which way will this be enforced?

(I remember that I barely had 100 posts in my first D5 newbie game, despite being as active as possible. I suggest leniency for newbies, as long as it’s clear that they do effort)

Basically post 20 times a day. Thats it. If not u get warned, if u do it again, force replace out. Like the thing is no activity is killing games, so this forces people to play.

I’m generally against ‘X posts or deet’ but as a rule of thumb it works

Like as for new players, i dont want to say no they can just ignore this rule, but like if we dont be consistant when does not being a newbie end

20 meme posts vs 19 wallposts with lots of effort
Exact numbers are always questionable, but it’s a good start. Force replacing someone with 19 wallposts would be laughable tho, so yea, some human common sense should be required

the thing is it should probably say game related posts. We would rather have the 19 wallposts. Its like wotm u know. Like if someones actively trying sure, if i saw 19 wallposts i woundnt consider yelling, but if its 19 meme posts sure


Its to like jumpstart activity and trying, more than trying to shut down on it if it makes sense.

Sounds reasonable

I’d make it so 20 posts per day but a exception depending on the hosts thoughts about if someone has been contributing

EG: Timmy has 15 posts but they are all good quality wall posts ect.

Maybe make it so players posting under 20 will undergo a review

thats why theres a bit of wotm in there

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like if host is thinking the play is fine, then ok. Theres also those days where day ends before people get online so u cant punish in that situation

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