Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

It was just scumsided stomp, villa didn’t have time to make too many mistakes. (not on this magnutude at least).

They didn’t lynch openwolf D2 though.

dat was apparently redchecked N1 and survived the entire game :upside_down_face:

Are miscs more popular than forum mafia now?

Possibly. I think that people are simply becoming less active because school has come back though.

They are atleast for me.
I feel I can get more into a misc then the average forum mafia game and thous enjoy it more on average.
Mashs ussaly get me in still.

wait he actually did it

It was necessary, was it not?

For me they are cuz I dont end up getting triggered at stupid plays from teammates cuz I have none

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Do you seriously think I don’t follow up on things

How outed assassin survived was beyond me

Kape EK omega clutch

kape played an FoL?

NFoL 3 strong town win
SFoL 43 was canned
SFoL 33 was the hilariously broken Golden Dragon 2 setup
SFoL 23 first triple threat game i think
SFoL 13 seemingly does not exist
SFoL 3 was canned
FoL 13 survivor alch won with town
FoL 3 BD and contract merc win in a game with two NK’s

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he was clear MVP for us lol

let’s not forget Deus Ex “3”


it’s not an FoL but it was a 3

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Hand of Byzantium 3

Town does not execute the very clear cultist because “nk alive”


if it has a 3 in it
it was a disaster

*town does not execute the very clear cultist because NK flip fake and this townie must be the true NK

Only way to clutch after bleeding your own king
Other side clutches for you
Via implosion

I was looking through my search

I think SFoL 13 had the bubonic plague