Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

But orange, without claiming how would I not get mislynched as a PR when I shitpost all day and don’t play the game because d1 doesn’t matter?


Not really. I just dislike how it basically forces the wolves to PR hunt as fast as possible or otherwise the game just gets locked. When I wolf I like having liberty on who to NK.

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Imagine thinking about who to night kill as a wolf when I’ve yet to get my 2nd wolf game on this website.

this is actually true
the game is all about finding the cop before ~d4 or game is easy to lock
or you have to get lucky and kill the cop’s checks

watch us run a cop 13er and the cop gets misyeeted d1

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10 players, not 9 players.

Nearly happened recently lol

Tbh people here believe claims willy-nilly for no reason at all. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an un-CC’d PR claim be lynched here.

I mean that’s probably for good reason given those kinds of things tend to self-resolve

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I fixed the setup already

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With no D1 lynch and no N0 greencheck it’s effectively a Cop9 with a N0 greencheck with a bit more discussion at the start, which shouldn’t massively affect anything

Yeah that is nice aint it.

Yeah pretty much

Alright. I edited the Queue OP.

you’re… gonna make it into a cop10er?

eh it’s fine
i really don’t care

Me? I am just the guy adding games to the Queue OP. If you want to talk about the game itself, then discuss it with your co-hosts.

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ah sorry
i was intending it to be a cop9er but

But Among Us is meant to be played with 10 players