Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

you didn’t because I never designed our queue

like many other things around here people took bits and pieces but never the whole thing

Two more questions: Do I need to have SoD/EoD flavor ready for review? Also, once my game is ready, do I move it to “In Review”?



@Aelin Is Percy Jackson FM Special or Standard?

Uh standard I think I dunno I made it at like 2 AM and it probably sucks

Standard=Closed Vanilla
Special=Bastard rolemadness

Uhh… neither?

What kind of game is it then? SFoL?

Vanilla doesn’t just mean Mountainous, it just means it has simple classes. If you were to run a forum version of ToS, it would probably be considered vanilla.

You know a rolemadness doesn’t have to be bastard :wowee:

And a special doesn’t have to be rolemadness

Thanks I was like “Uh… UH??”


Going over it and making changes
It’s not actually as bad as I thought it’d be

Also revising based on findings from HPFM

Upon doubt: Always Standard. (Again: Nobody cares anyway, and when they do: they will fix it themselves.)

But then you have this

So? It’s pretty much never used anyways.
Literally the only people who gives 2 cents about those kind of things don’t even talk about it because nobody else care about it.

To me, a clear indicator of Special games are games with bastard mechanics, or weird mechanics like Purgatory III’s Hell/Heaven Phase. Otherwise: Let reviewers decide what game it is.


  • just make ur game
  • ask your reviewer what to classify it as when the time comes
  • profit