Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Eevee thats not what happened. U told me two weeks ago you were hosting this as 11 v 2. I said I felt that was imbalanced for this site. I recommended 12 v 3 or 10 v 2 (this one I found out was dumb cause even numbers. Im sorry for my imcompatence) or 9 v 2. Again Im not the best with reviewing I know that. I try my best and vanilla setups are not my forte.

But you did not send me an op, then and I haven’t received one now. Thats all I was asking this time around. Just making sure everything was fine on there. I think we are both in a sour mood. So lets be adults. Send me it, and I will review it.

Don’t worry I already did go through explaining why 12 vs 3 or 11 vs 2 is okay for mountainous.




I don’t want to go through this again. Ever.

Mountainous should have 20% scum but cannot have even number of players
4v1, 12v3, 20v5, et cetera.
11v2 is also ok b/c less players even though that is 15% (i prefer 9v2 tho)

Tbh more to do with # of mislynches than player count

I smell controversy

That’s 5 minutes I’ll never get back

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can you guys just settle this through DMs

whats the point of arguing here

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Mountainous is extremely controversial ikr :^)

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I still need co-host for Enemy Within 4 since none approached me on DM or Discord

Shaming a reviewer while not being ready to even do the most basic stuff for your game and still wanting it to get approved… this won’t do any good.

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I got @Twil1ight as Co-host


I am giving you a ping that I found co-host for Enemy Within 4 so you can change “TBD”

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its a wiki



can we please have some better type of explination for what the game types are.
Mole i’m not picking on you this is just a recent example of a problem I relate to and I imagine many other people do.

Things like “SFoL” and “FoL” are easy
But then we get into more complicated things and there is no guide to what something falls over

What is standard? what is special? when does something stop being vanilla.

When is something a mash? or a minimash? just

Join me people of the world

we must unite to fix this problem


These are the terms I use and find quite decent

Standard = Without any modifiers such as anonymous

Anon/Anonymous = Fully anonymous game

Competitive = Competitive game

Mash = >30 players

Minimash = More than or equal to 25 players, less than or equal to 30 players

Special = Bastard games, any uncommon mechanics, setups designed outside of standard mafia or revokation of a certain FM rule (Grande Idea would fall under DOoSM for example); or just that any other category is inapplicable

Vanilla = Anything with 50% or more of roles as mafia goon + vanilla town


What is DooSM?

couldn’t be bothered rewriting it at the time

But… what exactly are the usual FM mechanics, and what is unusual? That’s rather a blurry and confusing definition for people without a lot experience on multiple FM sites

Btw I doubt that you can see GI as SFoL anymore, I think most of the classes there are just mafia classes, and don’t reference fol in any way anymore, be it by lore, fluff or by mechanics

I’d consider anything ‘original’ or very uncommon to be special
Like a full neighborhood game

Also, iirc there was a very old definition how much similarity a game has to have with FoL to be called an SFoL
But in Amelia’s setups there is no doubt anyways