Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Idk Alice hasn’t been around I think

Needs time. June they said


Sure thing.

Will be busy during May. I’ll start it at the end of the month or at the start of June.


:eyes: 1 pre-in please

a ping on discord when it’d start would help out potentially in me being aware of it without having to lurk this thread

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if pre ins are allowed me too pls @Whysper :eyes:

Why are you pinging Whysper

@Marluxion @Solic
Pre-in to Whysper’s game or mine?

I didn’t realize how hard it is to process actions in Minority Rule.
Specifically interactions with Force, Gravity, Duplicate, and Illusion

if you’re allowing pre-ins count me in
let’s prefill the game
(a second time)

Aight, so I have Italy, App, and Eli pre-inned to CD.

@Alice I’m against pre-ins but want to get in on the fun so

if it does actually start in june, pre-in me. I’ll be avaliable then unless i, like, get kicked out of the house or smthn.

if it starts earler than then, i prob will be busy

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Late May/Early June is what this is shaping up to me.

I’m interested in pre-inning if you’re allowing it :slight_smile:

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this game gonna fill prior to the signups getting posted lmao


wouldnt be the first time

its kind of why i only accept preins within reason but obviously hosts can do what they want with that :joy_cat:

im not going pre-in because i sort of hate the concept
but do know that if it fills before signups are posted then thats cringe


Yours :slight_smile:

see I feel the same way

yet I have no dignity or shame


Is this gonna be like the game where we pre-inned to fill up the game prior to it starting?

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