Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Hm… it should be under “Work In Progress”, but considering the time it takes to wait until all games in “In Review” has been reviewed, I think you can just put it under “In Review”.

I wonder if anyone will be afraid of the game because of its name…
–also, I still need to change the setup to 36/12 in the Queue Thread.

Also I know there are some big fans for Deux Ex 4, thats next up on the list. So should enter review soon

It’s been over 650 hours… and we still have to wait at least 48 more hours. :older_adult:


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I’m quite excited for Dangan.
And I’m spectating.

I’m really excited for a lot of the Miscs coming up

you’re not playing in Dangan?

Alice recommended Dangan to me in VLDR chat
I went to sleep
I woke up
“Signups (16/16 - Full)”

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i’m just hoping this ends better than deus ex 3 for me

What happened on Deux Ex 3?

Wait. Why spectate?
Those subs won’t be enough, you know?

i was scum leader
was killed due to a moderror (PGO wasn’t meant to kill me through BPV, and PGO should’ve died) so naturally, after i had already flipped scum leader, i was revived

i tried to selfhammer, but the vote was miscounted and so i was revived a g a i n

tldr life is pain

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Revived after you flipped?

It was
A thing

Y e s

That seems like hell.

oh gee it’s only being modconfirmed scum on day 2

Like I feel like re randing the game works better lol

it was a name only flip game and closed setup