Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Eh, main issue is that there’s basically just going to be people going “UNVOTE AND LET TOWNCORE VOTE” which is going to be meh.

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Then there will be that one town who refuses to unvote and gets misvigged/mislynched

“I know that I slanked the entire game and made zero attempts to solve, but trust me that my first vote action will benefit town if I get it over the IC.”


hammer mechanics are bad if they’re gamewide, they should be tied to two or three roles at maximum and definitely not revealed pre-game so they can’t be voted around and such

“my hammer passive is really good and will allow me to resolve myself”


“Alice visited Chloe last night, there’s no reason for wolves to have a tracker so I am confirmed town”


“I am self-resolving.”

“How will you self-resolve?”



Sfol Infection?

yes, your one.

Me and Amelia were gonna think about the setup and then talk to you about it because the setup has a cool concept

I’m happy to have a chat about it

I thought about reviving it but I cbf going through and updating all of the cards

I’m personally fine with rewriting stuff, I type fast and have absolutely nothing to do for like ages despite school starting up. Plus it’s always one of the more memorable SFoLs to me for some reason, it’d be nice to have a chat about it with you and think of changes, new ideas and basically just rewriting the thing to modern standards really.

That’s what it needs

I can easily do that tbh, it’s not the hardest thing, the hardest thing for me is not noticing language barrier errors so rewriting something is a breeze

Isn’t English both of our native languages?

I’m pretty sure it is

Yeah, it is, but that’s the thing, a lot of terms I would use here, can’t be used there as they can mean terrible things and it’s lead to things (especially during FM games) being misunderstood

Aside from that

I think there are some weird wordings on class cards

Well I mean y’all can fix that up since you have mod powers and can edit the class cards thread, or make a new one if you so wish

Maybe if I wasn’t on a phone :^)


I can make a 30p high power game featuring ONLY variants of Batman