Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

god I wish I had that much time


Please do this and stop pinging the mod team over everything please. Like we dont have an answer to ur every question and this is an open discussion. Pinging people is found annoying to the common user on here and discord. We dont have the 30 second policy here and the answer to ur question isnt even relevant til next summer.

Like I usually check every thread and if u just pose a question I will see it. U dont need to ping me or the mod team over everything

Oh no oh dear Dat yelled at me

Fuck no

To clarify, Iā€™m talking about new retri

Someone getting pissed since I didnā€™t give explicit credit to them for an idea

Iā€™m fine with the status quo. In the end, when it comes to hosting it all comes down to interesting stuff, and I simply suck at making them.

Maybe someone else could, but not orange: He doesnā€™t have the time to be a dictator.

I might make a new list / update everything, but for nowā€¦nah

We did
It sucked

This is the internet. Do you really think angry people actually matter?

Is the one on MU too much?

Where exactly on mu

But itā€™s mildly annoying

you didnā€™t because I never designed our queue

like many other things around here people took bits and pieces but never the whole thing

Two more questions: Do I need to have SoD/EoD flavor ready for review? Also, once my game is ready, do I move it to ā€œIn Reviewā€?



@Aelin Is Percy Jackson FM Special or Standard?

Uh standard I think I dunno I made it at like 2 AM and it probably sucks

Standard=Closed Vanilla
Special=Bastard rolemadness