Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

I see you only have 10 townsfolk

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Why tf does Politician exist?!?

I’d like to have several words with whoever thought this was even a remotely good idea.

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it wouldn’t let me add more anyways


Because you have to be the most responsible, which requires you to be extra enough about it that you actually run the risk of shooting yourself in the foot because everyone figures out that you’re Politician and then they just don’t listen to you at all.

to be lenient on Politiican for a moment
they have to be the most responsible for Good losing in order to switch sides and win

Which is also why I insist that optimal Politician play is to get yourself confirmed good, quarterback for town and then just call the wrong person out at F3.

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It’s an accurate representation of american politics

How would one discern a Politician pushing agenda from a wolf pushing agenda?

And of course, town counters this by being untrusting of people who try to play like that, which is perfect because it’s actually not a fun playstyle and people shouldn’t play like that.

They don’t, but they don’t have to, because both are trying to push bad agenda, so ignore them.

Okay… but then you can’t lynch scum?

Like, if Politician gets lynched while pushing scum agenda, they still contribute to their team losing, because they are still Town at that time.

But were they the most responsible in that case?

the point of politician isn’t that its’ wincon triggers but the strong effect it has on the game even when it doesn’t

Also politician is lost

That means they have to do lost wolf things

Getting yourself mislynched contributes greatly to your faction losing.

But basically, it depends on what else they’ve done.

Like, if they get a mislynch and get themselves mislynched, they’re basically already set unless there’s either a powerwolf or Town makes a comeback.

Anyway, I’m going back to doing exam stuff™.

i think it’s more of a meme outsider than others and not one i’d use on an actual script
but i’m sort of glad it exists

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you can also just try to win for town

like that is a thing you can do

you don’t have to go for the gamethrowing wincon

Basically this. It’s kind of like Marionette (a Minion who thinks they’re a Townsfolk, but their ability doesn’t work and they’re seated next to Demon), in that the purpose of the character is less what happens when it’s actually in play (you basically have a lost wolf) and more about what their presence on script means (that evil players can trick good players into thinking that they’re the Marionette and getting them to scumside).

okay but multiple people get mislynched every game
how do you make your mislynch the deciding factor