Re-add occupy immunity to classes that had it before 2.1

Just read the title.

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what classes lost occ immunity in 2.1

they said this in #feedback-balance discord so i assume these

(fool, scorned, MM, poss, sorc, hunter/poacher)

to which i dont think fool/hunter/poacher really need it

I think thereā€™s a case for giving Poacher occ immunity

that case being ā€˜action resolution go brrrrrrā€™

although ideally that would be accompanied by not telling offensives if their target is immune


how can we find evils if we dont know who is immune

How the fuck can you find scum with text??

Itā€™s a fucking text, you can write the same text if youā€™re a scum


You can contest a Sheriff calling you Unseen, you can contest a Knight calling you Death Immune, you can contest a Butler calling you Occupy Immune ā€¦

But you canā€™t contest a Butler calling you NON-occupy immune. Because he can occupy you 2 more nights, and that can be a fate worse than death.

Removing ā€œYou occupied / redirected Xā€ feedback would solve this.

Or making everyone occupy immune for 1 night after each occupy.

Or, make anyone targeting a Butler / Drunk immune to occupies from that specific Butler / Drunk.

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