Reaper Buff/Rework



We are making GD give him redirection immunity.

Knight does.

Also the fact that you canā€™t GD N1.

You shouldnā€™t be able to GD n1.

If Reaper wants to GD King n2, thatā€™s his business.

Heck, if he uses GD to prevent anyone from stepping up at all, thatā€™s a strategy.

It is a strategy. So how do you counter play it.

Donā€™t be King

Someone will be king. If not you then the reaper.

No, there doesnā€™t have to be a King for ToL to work properly.

If a reaper (and not everyone does this) decides to GD every King, nobody will step up and then there will be no King.

I do think there should be some threat to the royal blood.


Do you even read what I just said? SOMEONE NEEDS TO STEP UP TO STOP A PSYCHO KING!

In some cases it isnā€™t in the Reaperā€™s best interest to even become King.

Exhibit A: Nobody is reaped but people are dying, no Assassin left
Kill him boys

Calm thy self!!!

And yes the reaper is still a threat to the royal bloods. Knight is not always on the king and they might not exist at all.

However his existence means you want to not be too obvious about who you go after.

I have no problem with this

love this


Love this


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hmā€¦ Maybe a Psycho King crowned from Reaper should have some kind of Reap as a second abilityā€¦

Reaper is discouraged from stepping up because people can figure it out easy and he gets all the attention

0/10 old!!

Jk 12/10

I mean sure but that just makes the problem worse.

(TBH Psycho king should just always have their original secondary power. Yes that means he would have GD rather than reap but he also would no longer need souls to survive.)

noooooooo! I have been chilled before in this patch and I can guarantee it is as annoying as talking to a dead chat

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