Reaper rework suggestions

Right now the reaper is not very fun to play, since it’s very easy for you to be found, dead players can tell the priest they were reaped, reaper checks, phys exhume, etc.

My suggestion is fore a much more interactive and strategical reaper role.

It would work as follows:

Simply change reap to not notify or kill the reaped player immediately. They can still talk, but will die after a day or night. If they are executed or killed via other means before then, there is no notification of a being reaped, and the corpse will show up as being killed by whatever killed them. If they do not die by the time reap kicks in, only then will the corpse show as killed by reaper, and only then will the player be told they are reaped.

This give the reaper the opportunity to play a very strategic and smart style of reaping targets that he thinks will be killed soon. If he manages to predict which targets will be killed, he gets a soul, and can build up souls for later use. If he correctly predicts which targets will die, he can stay undetected. However predicting is very difficult, and if he gets it wrong, he would still be easily found out, He’s also still easily detected as neutral.

This has the added benefit of getting rid of a cheesy metagaming mechanic of reaper checks, which break immersion and are just cheap in general.

Another thing that would help this change would be to make the 2-souls empowered reap kill the target immediately, which would give you some more flexibility, and allow for smart gameplay.

Not sure how much buffing reaper needs, but this doesn’t sound bad

I would like to remind you 3 things.

  1. The Reaper wants to get as many people killed as possible and thus it won’t normally be worth it to kill the same people as someone else like the assassin (and god forbid you are with cult)

  2. The Reaper’s reap is good because it makes the player unable to make contributions while it is still expected for them to do so. This can make it harder to execute people and make there someone to dummy execute.

  3. Even if this didn’t hurt the Reaper more than help him 9 times out of 10 it would also be in vain. 16 player games always have a NK and there can never be 2. Because the Possessor is so easy to notice there will be no meaningful confusion about the existence of a reaper.

I’m not trying to say that the Reaper doesn’t need something. But this is not a solution and it addresses a problem that the Reaper doesn’t care about.

I think the point is that the reaped people wouldn’t be aware that their speech isn’t showing up

I like this idea, I think the Reaped person shouldn’t be able to talk to the dead until they’re announced as dead either.

Currently the table knows there’s a Reaper every time without having to think about it because the Priest is alerted immediately the night a person dies.

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