Rebels In The Palace - Rebels Win!

your 3rd person ranting is disgusting and I even agree with your FoS point

3rd person ranting?

ig i’ll point this out to you because I’m just a such a jolly individual
all of your defense posts have me as lock town and there’s literally no reason that should be the case, nor have you stated a reason for it.

I have never said I think you’re town at all.
I’ve said IF you’re town multiple times, but i’ve never said i’m reading you as town.

this response to my test is probably the grossest example

we as in the town
not we as in me + you

2v4 with a lynch-to-win gf
how scumsided a game right

It’s super scumsided when people are throwing votes out to pressure instead of actually just discussing

RVS has it’s time and place d1 but not afterwards

The two people who are the scummiest on HTM’s Wagon (since we have to assume there are at least 1 scum, probably 2 on it)

Are MTheJoker and MaximusPrime

Max has been jumping between wagons changing his opinions literally within 1-2 minutes of a different vote

MTheJoker’s guard clarification seems like a slip. I’ve also never seen M actually roll scum (and go figure, i’ve never seen him actually try in FM either.)

i don’t try and convince scum they’re scum, it’s a pretty big waste of my time.
marl has hinted at having additional information in numerous defense posts, ranted ‘against’ town, provided scum-pilled excuses, and spent the entirety of first posts active lurking for useless info
things i’d expect from fk, not marl lol

want to clarify your read on me then?

quote one

i already have
“if I’m lynched we lose the game” is directly stating you know how my wager flips


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I’ll invite you to my class card

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Vote Count:
Marluxion - 1 (MaximusPrime)

i thought this would go turbo but people are taking forever with reads

you know, overthinking is a thing and can be bad. sometimes it’s better to just go. be a bit decisive, ya know?

well i still think hippo is king, and would prefer if you guys lynched him. I’m sure that you guys don’t want this to be a 2 week long game either, when it’s not supposed to be.

tl;dr would you guys please make up your minds already!!! talking more won’t help!

i think i’ve been watching too much anime discovery channel >.>

secretly if you guys went faster the VC would’ve been mad delayed because I’ve been sleeping

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