Passive(1):Partnership, You’ll know who the Nk is and be able to talk to them at night, if possessor you’ll know who they jump into.
Passive(2): Tough Guy, Immune to first attack, if the Nk dies You’ll become the Renegade.
Day Ability(1): Bloodshot, make someone bleed (2 uses)
Day Ability(2): Theif, Steal someone’s day ability, it (will be the one with the most uses or if the same a mount will use the first one) (Infinite)
Night Ability(1): Destinate, Target two players making them target themselves. (Infinite)
Night Ability(2): Blood Lust, Make sure the Neutral Killer kills bypassing everything, also preventing visits on the Nk (Bypasses Every protection even knights)
Goal: Kill all main factions (Nk or you have to be living at the end)
If the Neutral kill dies you’ll become the Renegade.
Renegade Neutral Special
Passives(1): Lone Wolf, Immune to being occupied.
Day Ability(1): Theif, Steal a limited ability.
Day Ability(2): Stab Proof, make yourself immune to death
Night Ability(1): Revenge, Kill someone (1 use)
Night Ability(2): Focus, gain a use on revenge.
Goal: Kill all main Factions (Nk wins with you Aslong as you survive)
On becoming king they will become a Neutral King but there goal will be kept, even if nk dies they will not become any verient on King.