What happened:
I started as prince and jailed an individual on Night one. The individual coerced me to execute them and said “gg” (as per attached screenshot). Obviously causing suspicion, I kept notes on the individual. They claimed that they were 100% possessor in the Day 3 general chat and then they claimed Physician shortly after. I executed them as the prince due to the false messages being sent and the “please execute me” during general chat and prince chat.
After executing a fellow BD, I obviously lost my prince abilities. The individual then started being abusive in the night chat saying “oh well done moron” and similar and I told them that they game threw. After an exchange of words and me telling him to read the rules, the individual said “I’ll wear a 1 day ban” and “I don’t care”. This individual kept trying to defend his actions, etc.
What was SUPPOSED to happen:
The individual shouldn’t have asked to be executed, and shouldn’t have claimed to be another class other than his own especially to another BD person and to the prince. Claimed joke or not, perception behind the keyboard is very hard to understand and it felt like this person just wanted to ruin the game he was in with his behaviour and attitude.