[RESOLVED] Ban request- Gamethrower

I was playing prince and jailed the guy on night 2 , he refused to give me his log also cursed at me . Jailed him later again with him saying kill me without giving any proof for no execution . I execute him and he comes up as BD as me. I also lose my executions and die the next die. His journal was “Logs are for tryhards” and procceeded to taunt me in dead chat.

  1. https://prnt.sc/h22zts

  2. https://prnt.sc/h2303q


Reported him ingame also

That is pretty offensive…

I think he will be banned.

He did give up his class, but yeah gotta agree that’s not good behavior at all.

if you jailed him N2, just ask what he did N1…

But he said drunk and [REDACTED] off…

Would he want to post what he did N1?

This case will be investigated, thanks for the report.