What happened: 1 day ban for “toxic Behaviour” First day was warning. did a drunk stream and got alittle out of hand. I appologize. Second day a player was mad that i won in previous game ( yes i used same name twice) so he got the whole game to kill me (Good king) as a Prince with no leads on DAY 2. I then proceeded to tell everyone to report him and a few bad words i suppose. ( BAN says banned until october 22. It is now oct 22 i waited 24 hours to play and still cant log in…
What was SUPPOSED to happen: The other guy banned? Maybe a timer or a set time on when the ban is lifted?
Also i should probably just keep my mouth shut. I am streaming this game every night, love it. trying to promote it. but im talking too much ingame i suppose…
Steps to reproduce this issue:
- uhh
- uhh?
- uuuhhh…?