[RESOLVED] First warning for false report

What happened: I got called names by a player, so I reported him and in the report I called this person retarded. Never to his face. Only in the report that this player could never read.

What was SUPPOSED to happen: This other player was supposed to get a warning at the least and your moderator should have never given me a warning. This is misdirected and abusive use of the moderator power.

Steps to reproduce this issue:

  1. Get capable and trustable personel.
  2. Read correctly the logs to come to a verdict.
  3. Dont misuse your moderator powers.

Okay, I’m not a mod, but taking about any mod like that is probably not a good idea

So you agree that there are moderators that abuse their power? Great, in what kind of world do we live in…

What I can tell you is you don’t get warned without a reason.

I never said that at all.
I simply said that you probably shouldn’t talk about a mod like that, nothing else

What’s your username?

It is Miho, ty for the quick reply ThePlex

No problem, I’m going to double review your report now and make sure there were no mistakes on our part

From reviewing the report again, the summary you gave was this:

Retarded morron who flames other people for his own mistakes. Calls other autists.

After reviewing the game’s chat logs, there was no instance where the reported player used the word “autist” nor did they flame anybody. Now, it could be that you reported the wrong player, however, there was no use of the word “autist” or “autistic” in the game.

The warning was issue to you because from our point of view, it looked like you had exaggerated your report to have a player warned for seemingly nothing.


He called me that in the after chat. Not in the game itself…

Dont tell me it is impossible to read the after chats back… If that is the case people can go on flame wars in the after chats…

That is then a serious issue that needs to be resolved and I am happy that I brought that to your attention.

I see.

We will investigate this, but in the meantime, it does not excuse what you did. Please understand that the Reports are strictly for reporting other players and is not a platform to insult others.

I am not insulting anyone when you or any of your collegues are the only ones capable or reading the report…

You insulted the player you reported, multiple times. You were warned for doing so in the summary of your report. I am more than capable of reading a report.


I think the problem here (specifically) is that plex counts saying insults about someone, regardless of whether they’ll see it or not, as insulting that person, whereas miho here only counts it as insulting someone if you it directly to them, or in a way that you know they’ll see it.

You forgot to mention that you are also insulting the mods and devs that spend hours daily on reports to keep the community clean (hours of toxicity entering your head is very tiring and demoralizing).

Honestly, I stopped reading after this. If we were to revoke the previous warning, we would surely issue a new warning for disrespecting mods/devs (https://throneofli.es/rules). In other games, this would get you banned.

Here’s some FAQ about warnings/bans: http://throneofli.es/banfaq

I’ve dealt with multiple gaming companies customer services and moderators on forums. And I can honestly say that I have always been correct and understandable. When I wasn’t treated right I pointed it out to them to find out later that I was correct all along. I noticed the problem mostly lies in smaller companies, who do not have the experience and rely on less capable personel. Might be a money issue, might be an experience issue.

Anyway, the truth hurts and it is hard to find honest and trustworthy people. To claim other companies throw the banhammer around and swing around warnings is untrue and simply a lie. An ignorant attempt to make yourself look better then you are if you ask me.

I am done. Said my 2 cents and I will leave it at that.

Sooo what you’re telling me is you’ve gotten in trouble in multiple different forums and games?

Holy shit you did not just say that.

I have news for you good sir. You were warned. Once.
Warnings won’t get you banned. It’s a message to tell you to not do something you did. And you can easily continue to play without getting your panties in a twist over it.

Nope that’s not what I mean. I’ve have been dealing with multiple customer services and moderator because I wanted my game refunded. And because I am in most games active on the forums, so you bump into the moderators. And again, most of the time I was correct and got my game refunded after an initial denial.

I also understand that it can be frustrating to deal with toxicity every day, but you simple do not have the right personal on the job if that is the case. You need personel on the customer service and moderator jobs that understand memes and trolls. Personel that reads the toxicity and laughs about it and shrugs it off. Not personel that gets frustrated after reading toxicity for hours and goes throwing around warnings and bans.

I don’t care about the warning. It’s a principal question by now. The moderators don’t even follow their own rules and just judge on their current mood as confirmed by Xblade after a day of dealing with “toxicity.”

I’ve looked over logs from some of your games, and you’re hardly a shining paragon of community goodness, even outside of that one report summary.
When it comes to these summaries, it doesn’t even matter that we’re the only ones who see it, you’re still breaking the rules and I guarantee you that while you may have been correct with other companies, you’re in the wrong this time.
Then you come here and insinuate that we’re unskilled, untrustworthy idiots who misuse our powers? That’s pretty condescending. I highly recommend taking a step back and reexamining yourself and your behavior before posting about how we don’t know how to do our jobs.