Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

/unvote (DarBird)
/vote (Clonedcheese)

That’s the plan

/vote Mistyx @Geyde

Probably won’t be 90% of scenarios tbh.

I know you are joking and stuff, but the problem is, I’m not.
I’m actually forced into it due to restrictions, which if unfollowed… lead to not being able to use abilities.

u still never explained ur vote on me, also just for a heads-up, unless ur just getting rid of your vote in its entirety and like going to no voting, you can just put in the new vote, as the old one will go away

and explain this one now, im gonna do this for all ur naked votes

All they’ve done so far is really slap a vote on kiro and haha bussing. I know they’re here.

and while ur at it kiro, explain ur new vote. Being a sheep and following anyone else’s votes isn’t like good practice. I like to see original thoughts on why ur voting people, not cause X voted Y

i have done zero haha bussing

also no im not here how dare you accuse me of such

they are certainly on my watch list, but i kind of been enjoying their content, now that dont mean townreading, just their content makes me laugh

I’m new so I vote like a sheep. I just thought that you weren’t suspicious because you helped me understand a little better. Mystic asked me to vote again so it could be jester I guess

True. But I would say that Mist is one of the people who could easily just meme as either alignment and be able to pass it off easily. I don’t want to get lost in the “comfortable in thread” ideas like people have about me.

if i were a jester i would probably have less posts at EoD than i do currently

yeah im not calling for that, hence why i havent slapped anything more than a null, just they are here and their posting has me laughing but not helping me solve em

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also something something woosh

Yeah… no. I don’t like this post. You’re using your lack of experience as an excuse for poor plays, while Seth said that you’ve been in a server with him for a while which implies you have at least some degree of experience.

u thought i was sus enough to vote me, so why did u do it in the first place. And yes I would like more thought process than follow votes made by others

kiro did you ever answer me about whether you’ve read any other mafia games?

“They joined my ProMafiaServer” - From Seth in the signup thread, since I can’t quote from a closed thread.

I could just quote it as i have the power to do so