Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

@eevee what’s ur info

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I’m waiting

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Essentially where my heads at. Get Eevees info. Figure out if its bs or not. And then move on from there.

Know I wasnt killed cause I outed as non pr due to the dynamic duo. But light kill is suprising as he was heavily like scumread by like 3 or so people. I tr him though. He also claimed vt at one point. So I wasnt expecting his death

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I was excited

Then I realized that it was a bastard game


What u mean

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I think they’re asleep lol
I would be interested in this also

I have “info”
bastard game


/vote cloned


Its prob like 8-11pm there so like I doubt it knowing eevee. But what’s this info

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mech stuff

did your info come from your own role?

…not sure I understood this correctly
But I’m assuming this says “was the info a result of your night action rather than just being told”
Answer is yes

I really want to hear what eevee has to say :^)


unless shenanigans have occurred (which is also possible) either surge or cloned is lying about their role

and i’m inclined to think it’s cloned over surge


i’ve got a little mech info of my own

I’ll reveal that had something occurred it’s not on me

I think

Ngl thought this was a mountainous game as like 5 people claimed vt yesterday and the only non vt claims were eevee and maybe someone else but I ain’t saying cause more TRs dying is bad

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well eevees here
/vote eevee