Return of King Kong - YOU LOSE - [4/10]

Hi eevee o/

…I’m probably not the person you want judgement from

but I think it’d be fine for you to come out here

…and participate a tiny bit more than you did yesterday

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looks like eevee only like that post because of the “not the person you want judgement from” clause

what is happening

Oops, hi I’m here.

eevee is liking posts
I’m trying to get them to talk and failing

I don’t believe is eevee.

And is more strange that the mafia isn’t Kiro, well now what…?

@Ami Speak please.

i get that but like


what what

Dat, you said you know eevee from before right?

You can say they can either hyperpost or rarely speak, now like it’s obvious they’re suspicious but doesn’t do anything to not be suspicious, what if isn’t them?

I will need to go to sleep soon, sorry if I dissapear.

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Basically eevee claimed pr day 1, I didnt beleive it. I was in the opinion of end of the day, if he somehow is pr then he would have something today, so @ed him as first post of the day. He started liking all of my posts but hasnt appeared. And now Im just feeling hes playing with me, so Im good to just get rid of him

yes they do both. What if it isn’t them? We have 48 hours we shouldn’t quicklynch we should all continue to solve, if its not eevee we will prob have a candidate in those 48 hours. Plus it seems like some people have mech info they want to share.

i know what happened

i suppose why is a better question

directed primarily at eevee of course

cause what has eevee done this game? Claimed pr, provided 0 reads, continually did things just to spite me. I want him to either play or give us what his pr gave him. Basically the slots empty imo atm. And if eevee doesnt start playing im just gonna get more annoyed. I dont beleive the pr bullshit. I feel its some long winded rt.

Hey Dat, I suggest you use the analysis methode for them, remember that there’s always some topics that were in the chat and at some point she answered at one of them but didn’t at the other. Now if you suspect them that they’re it because of inactivity as I do with @Ami then I guess we can provide some type of arguments.

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bud imma be honest, nothing u said in this post made sense, other than u sus ami. What u trying to say?

i smell google translate

Oh god, does typing without looking is that bad?

Trying to analyze eevee like I did with Kiro.

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Good night guys.