Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

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Hmā€¦ Hey @Arete, if I were to say that I have a 8-score scumread on Marshal, would you vote him?


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I meanā€¦ why not? Conroy just got in, and there is a lot to talk about (e.g. EOD1 Windward spew, Marluxion getting poisoned, Marluxion full claiming) and it just happened that people were present, so why wouldnā€™t they talk?

Right. My bad. Still getting used to the new era.

time to actually reveal to you guys my masterplan

i actually read the game

get pranked

/vote Mist

This is my genuine top W read ftr, it doesnā€™t account for the ā€œactā€ or whatever

V Pile is like: Chloe Derps Gorta Marshal?

I didnā€™t actually expect to sub in since 8 backups exist but still read the game while I was at work so I donā€™t know if I can actually word my reads properly but thatā€™s my thoughts

get rekt

some of the windward posts about ybw/app

Would you mind explaining an_gorta_pratai and Marshal without using ā€œgut feelingā€ as your argument?


i still feel the wolfsiding blood in my veins

i think my reads suck

i need a break

today is chill day! no reason to panic!

we yeeted w!wind now we get to bond over her spew while we consume root beer floats

no stress today
at least not until 3~ hours to eod


and arete lived too, they just killed our pet goose instead of chopping down our tree!

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No panic

Just embarassment that i talked myself out of my literal first read of wind being a woofer

And i dont wanna be a dummy again

I claim privacy respecter

P sure yah

I discovered that reverse sbpc works + tone

itā€™s a pity read

no for real its gut based of how sheā€™s solving and the fact she tried to solve min who was null and actually had a post that made sense on how min acted or whatever

thatā€™s what the town hero is here for
no consequences
wind is a strong wolf and we hit her day 1
good vibes ONLY


wind is also very obvious wolf

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iā€™ll redirect the wolf darkvotes onto you

git outta here specchat warrior