Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

This was obvious



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This really is a :joy_cat: moment.

…I’m leaving thread before it takes over me.

Okay, so you’re a Medium and a wolf gave you a pep talk? :joy_cat:

why would the dead wolf be giving a villager a pep talk

i want you to paraphrase the entire pep talk in your own words

Voted Voters Number of Votes
katze Arete, Mist, Jane 3/8
Marshal Zone, Sulit 2/8
Mist Conroy 1/8
Zone Katze 1/8
Not Voting YBW, Min, Derps, Marshal, Eli, Gorta, Marl, Chloe, Nightingale 9

Sorry for the delay, Ping @datbird for new votes and mistakes

The Thread: “Wait is that a slip?”


Unfortunately, unlike you I don’t plan to talk about my ability any more than I already did in D1.
Plus, I highly doubt the entire focus of D2 will be centered around my ability anyway.
If that was possible, then town would’ve been able to tunnel themselves to death.

Your reasoning is correct: The pep talk was not made in public in D1.
However, why does that result in you voting me?

Tfw you’re gunna do the thing that annoys the fuck outta the one person still TRing you :upside_down_face:

Love u
U do u boo

I’ll give you some breathing room

This is all i see regarding zone’s claim

Zone r u medium or


I see someone referencing a pep talk with a dead wolf, said pep talk is not in thread.

I don’t understand why my concern confuses you, to be frank.

I don’t really care if it annoys you.

If it helps me play the way I actually want to play, then you can do whatever you want with it. You’re allowed to ignore my posts and pretend they don’t exist.

Although, I thought the “fake positivity” was what did you in, not the displayed difference in articulation?

katze typing in proper text throws me off reeeee

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I am not a Medium, therefore the dead wolf did not give a villager a pep talk.
I am an Executor …with no Killing abilities.
Dunno why Windward gave a random person a pep talk, but I think it was meant to be given towards people who had low WiM like katze, Marshal, and Nightingale.

First was a quote from Roy Mustang about how the world is beautiful.
Then it was a short sentence saying to do my best and to remember to take care of myself IRL first.

That was the main part yeah

But the full schtick just
Doesnt sound like katze
It sounds plastic and artificial and it doesnt sound like my sister because i feel like everything you type is going through a filter, rather than just being your natural thoughts

It’ll make it harder for me to read you, but if it stops you from doing weirdass fps shit i can live with it

Just pretend I never did any of the things that were wolfy and only read the towny things I did D1. :slight_smile:

kat dont open this its mean

i kinda think this is townie from kat dont @ me

kat use :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: instead it’s way more passive aggressive

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Okay, I’m opening it now.

Was this sent during the day or during the night