Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess



alternatively I could just keep talking to myself

mod privilege means I don’t have to worry about hitting the 20-consecutive-reply limit :upside_down_face:


I dont disagree i think hes villaging it up

I actually think most people have accepted him as a villager atm

Can you expand on this one
I really wanna figure derps out
And im having doubts rn wrt my w-read there im ngl

This genuinely concerns me
Not like
With regards to your alignment
But im 99% sure derps and atno are the same alignment simply based off of wind spew

So in a world where we wagon atno and derps dies to arctic’s vig thing
Its 2 villagers or 2 wolves to me
And if theyre villagers we have like 8h to figure shit out (no we arent wagoning katze!!!)

I also recently reread marshal’s iso and along the way i re-read app’s openwolfing thing and i genuinely think its like
Really (unfortunately) townie
But atno today has been Bad
And YBW was also Bad
Aaaaaaaaa idk dude!!

25% is consensus poe i’d say
Zone is in the zone-zone
Most people acknowledge hes in townmeta but capable of faking it and thats that lmao

Marl is v-read for the most part im p sure

For the record
If derps is a villager i think marshal’s scum equity rises by about 5000%
And now im doubting myself and paranoid about marshal

Dude i REALLY need to sleep to be awake for eod but at this rate imma get like 4h of sleep lol


I think eli has also had a really shitty day and i can easily see him being a wolf

I townread him d1 and had a gth v-read on him coming into the day but i legit dont see how people can have him as a confident villager

Hes tossing out votes and reads that match thread consensus
Cant explain anything and instead uses buzzwords and goes ‘uhhhhhh. ur scum bc ur scummy’

How is he town

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/vote EliThePsycho @Icibalus

Fuck it im gunna see how i feel about this

This has mist doublevoting and a count of 5 nonvoters when there are 4

Also sorry arete im going go sleep in a sec but i’ll wait for your post first

Am tired

there’s a massive disconnect in how people are treating ‘literally every voter on Wind’ and how people are treating Derps

like with Wind people are more-or-less willing to lockclear everyone on her wagon, individual people might leave someone out (like, some people are like ‘Marl could be bussing,’ some people are like 'Jane doesn’t get as much cred because she was stuck on the wagon from a point when it wouldn’t have killed her)

whereas with Derps people are looking at the fact that Wind spent the entire second half of the day trying as hard as possible to kill Derps, and going out of her way to write a wallcase on him, and saying ‘well this doesn’t mean anything, it could be bussing’

even though she was objectively trying harder to kill Derps than any individual voter was trying to kill her

the situations aren’t 100 percent comparable – Wind was KP and so a wolf would be less likely to kill her, some of the people on the Wind wagon have some level of known anti-bussing meta while Wind’s meta is less of a known quantity – but frankly the way the people leading the thread are treating the two situations is weird

(the other thing I notice is that on some level, there’s a handful of ‘people who are always strong presences’ arguing that Derps isn’t spewed, e.g. katze/Marshal, and a lot of people who aren’t usually strong presences arguing that he is, or that he’s a villager for other reasons, e.g. Gorta, which is 
 well, normally I think I would agree with the ‘strong presences’ group, and it’s weird that I don’t?)

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that wasn’t a response to your post

I started typing it before you started replying

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are you good to stay up a few more minutes while I write you a proper response

Oh god thats a lot of words

Quick skim uhhh
Yes theres a weird disconnect
 idk yeah thats weird

Ok so
I have two worlds in my head right now
I’m unsure how healthy this is but its where im at and i wanna be transparent

Derps/ATN/+1 (
 actually beginning to doubt this)




Uh sure
I can try

Also i super vibe with this recent batch of posts from you aa

99% on this just spewing them both as villagers
It absolutely spews them as the same alignment and
 that treatment of derps doesnt feel like a planned bus

Im literally about to sleep and have no clue if this will make sense but heres some world building:

App/Derps V/W or W/V
If you push extremely hard for the dichotomy that they’re unaligned, and call for a vig shot on the other if one flips town, then:

If your scumbud is elim’d, you have essentially cleared the other as a villager
If the villager is elim’d, your scumbud will be shot

Thats stupid

App/Derps W/W
This is the heavy distancing theory in which wind was trying to clear the surviving wolf off of the other one’s flip

If one of your scumbuds is openwolfing and the other is getting flak and being wagoned, the best thing you can do is make people believe they’re v/w

App/Derps V/V
Occam’s Razor says yes.
Wind was setting them up to be elim’d and the other to be shot.
Two villagers for the price of one

Im too tired to go into more detail

But i think we’re fuckin up right now

Re-read some stuff

My reasons to think zone/marshal are never w/w were wrong and i completely misread some shit

I still think its heavily unlikely though given the cfd attempt at eod


Ok i habe to go to sleep im sorry

Bye love u aroot sleep well

wait no please don’t go I’m almost done!!!

(you can go if you want I’ll just be sad)

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Arete i really want you to sleep soon so you can be awake at EoD

Like really badly :joy_cat:

Im going to be honest and say that i dont have the energy to read the post youre writing and all i’d be doing is acknowledging it right now because my eyes are heavy and imsotired

So im gunna sleep and i’ll read it in the morning when i wake up and can comprehend it

Im sorry

alright so

the first point is relatively simple but it’s controversial enough that I’m going to do my best to explain it anyway

so obviously a thing I talk about when I’m complaining about townplay on this site is that everyone sucks at reading spew, and I don’t want to stop at the level one take of ‘Windward called Derps scum therefore Derps is town’


there’s a couple things I generally look at when I’m trying to figure that out, which I’m going to gloss roughly as ‘what was the dead wolf actually trying to accomplish’ (i.e., if a wolf spent a lot of time calling someone a wolf but never actually tried to kill them, then it doesn’t spew them town and might be wolf-AI) and ‘do the dead wolf’s posts make sense from a PoV of them having TMI that [player] was [alignment]’

so first, if we look at Wind’s votes

I might have missed something, but this is legitimately all I could find in terms of votes – the meme vote on herself, and a vote on Derps. she’s not at all reluctant to kill Derps, and she never looks for other options

next, if I look at her actual posts, and ask the question ‘did Wind really want to kill Derps,’ I think it’s pretty clear that she did – she basically took every opportunity to push him, and wrote a Wind wallpost to case him, it’s not just isolated instances of shade or anything

so on that metric he looks good

notable Wind posts on Derps

so then I can ask if her posts make more sense from a PoV of having TMI that he would flip scum vs. that he would flip town

to her credit there’s 
 not a ton there that actually points to it, she’s not blatantly trying to take credit for his death (which would suggest scum) nor preemptively trying to excuse herself for it (which would suggest town), in that respect there isn’t much to go on

(this post does exist but it’s really early and a throwaway comment, before she made a strong read either way)

but I do think her handling of Derps postflip scenarios displays TMI that he’s V full disclosure I only fully thought through this part just now


if you read these posts and ask what she’s “expecting,” it’s pretty obvious she’s expecting him to flip town – she’s explicitly setting up scenarios for what to do once Derps flips town whereas she treats the ‘if Derps flips scum’ scenarios as an afterthought, to the point of adding a ‘lol.’ Also, she never (that I could find) tried to imply that anyone might be suspicious for defending Derps, or for defending Derps conditional-on-him-flipping-scum. She isn’t trying to plan for scenarios where he flips scum, just scenarios where he flips town.

this is the part of the post where I start talking about his posts

I thought Derps openly and explicitly saying that he thought Gorta was lock V but that he should be vigged anyway was unlikely to come from scum, like I don’t think a wolf would say that if they put two seconds of thought into appearances

I thought his lack of thread awareness here pointed to him probably not being in scumchat, it doesn’t really feel like it’s faked and I think it’s unlikely that scumchat just wouldn’t be discussing the game at all. this is a weak read but it’s something I remember picking up on.

I thought his analysis of Jane made sense even if I don’t necessarily agree with it + his progression seemed natural

I also don’t think he would push a bussing narrative as a wolf when one of the biggest points in his favor is Wind’s push

there aren’t, like, a lot of posts like this, he doesn’t have a lot of posts today period, but they’re displaying sparks of towniness

honestly I think people being like ‘Arete W/W with Derps???’ is making me townread him more out of spite

God youre such a villager
I skimmed the entire thing and my thoughts are summed up as
“Yeah this makes sense. Oh yeah thats a good point. Oh wtf lol yeah thats super valid. Wait what the fuck. Yeah this is. Ok yeah derps is just V.” Which
 makes ATN v to me

Ugh how long until I have to acknowledge your read on kat
I really dont wanna


Marshal/kat started the derps-not-spewed-v arguments

Dont think theyre w/w because of d1 ‘bitchiness’ but ig its possible
im in denial and i still dont think kat is a wolf leave me alone

Marshal felt powerwolfy wrt zone and derps

Chloe is throwing shit in the thread without filtering bc shes tired


Thanks for giving me a reason to give in to the paranoia and doubts ive been having all day love u

love you too :orange_heart:

now sleep, you’ve read the post, EoD is in 7.5 hours and presumably you’ll want to be up before EoD proper

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Eli, NGL, I have been ignoring your 200+ posts for reasons even beyond me, but I am loving this entrance.

Sounds about right. YBW never came back to be evaluated, and ATNN is
 well, I disagree with ATNN’s reads regarding Wind’s wagon (and myself).

I object to this plan. I stated at D1 that I would be fine with keeping tabs on the darkvotes, but I also said that I disagree with any motion involving coordinated votes.