Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

ye pkr townieboi

Please donā€™t be too hasty.

Because like if itā€™s going to cause you to say ā€œX cannot be mafia because I only see them with PKRā€ then I donā€™t want to cause that effect rn

if you want me to stop townreading you then stop being towny lol


PKR Obv Wolf.
La la la.

Vote me please, Iā€™m jester.
Iā€™m not sus, this is among us.

/Vote PokemonKidRyan


Remind me why Night is lock town?
As for Marshalā€™s scumbuddiesā€¦ eh, weā€™ll cross the bridge when we get to it.

Was that good enough? Also that makes up for me missing D1, I did a meme post, yay me

her claim

her likely being spewed v in windā€™s iso

her comfort

her transparency

her stream-of-consciousness posts

its just, all combined, super villa

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I want to ask something.

Was the Wind wagon on D1 a fairly consistent thing?
Or did it form later on in the day?

Depending on when sus was increasing on Wind, we can try to look for antispew.
And before that point we can consider regular spew which mightā€™ve been unplanned.

Claim is NAI.
Spewed is something I donā€™t want to check, so Iā€™ll take it for granted.
Comfort is annoyingly NAI.
Transparency is a good reason.
Stream-of-consciousnessā€¦ yeah, I guess I can accept this.

Still. We have way too many TRs at this point.
We mustā€™ve miscleared someone.
ā€¦I think this is a better topic to discuss at D4 though.

If a wolf isnā€™t sus at the time, thereā€™s a fair chance they could be accidentally spewing.

But if they suddenly become a focus, say they get a few votes or people start to say Wind might be scum in their readsā€¦ then it mightā€™ve became antispew at that point and thinking otherwise is kinda dangerous.

Itā€™s a big mindgame since Iā€™ve not really had the chance to play against W!Wind ever. Only with them once. But based off ā€œtypicalā€ things, thatā€™s what I would assume.


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PKR, I literally gave you a summary when you arrived:

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Ignore me and carry on your conversation with others. Just treat me like a secondary figure for a bit, nothing important. I kinda feel like an idiot but usually at this sort of point Iā€™d be thinking about this stuff

Kids these days with all of their ā€˜upicksā€™

Sorry for being a potato, every waking second of this week is just hell

Iā€™ve prob been way more of a bitch itt than has been warranted, sorry if iā€™ve been incredibly bitchy

Either way no way in hell am I going full catchup

if anyone wants me to read anything Iā€™m glad to give my take on it

otherwise iā€™m voting whoever the majority in katze/chloe/mist votes, i trust teh FoL ladies to get us a woalf

i think all 3 of us are voting u rn lol

I can already tell gorta is gonna die tommorow lol


iā€™m not

iā€™m voting sulit