Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Chloe Jane 1/9
WindwardAway Chloe 1/9
Jane Mistyx 1/9
MistyX Nightingale 1/9
Nightingale SirDerpsALot 1/9
katze Marshal 1/9
Zone Marl 1/9
Marl Zone 1/9
Not Voting Gorta, Eli, Katze, Min, Arctic, App, TL, Silviu, WindwardAway 9

Ping @DatBird for mistakes or new votes. I got vcs for a bit

/vote SirDerpsALot

No, but it is simply very unlikely that anyone would put 2 millers in 1 game.
That, and the fact that at least one of us would get greenchecked if left alone.






o ty

someone give me tiny text tutorial

We don’t think it’s impossible for katze and Zone to both be town, currently.

are you masons with someone mist?


Which tutorial? The one for FM or the one about how to avoid getting voted by Zone?

I’ll be back with hot takes later i’m being dragged into playing video gams for a bit

theyre committing communism

We think it’s better not to answer this question.

oh, I was ignoring the whole first part before we randed scum. I thought you only joined wagons after the scum rand, but maybe I misremembered.

  1. Who are you to decide who “we” are?
  2. Who falls under the category of “we”?
  3. Wait, did you actually believe any of the Miller claims?

hey, that wasn’t a wagon :thinking:

Hard claim Masons with @Chloe
She can confirm

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We are ourselves, and no one else.

We are not sure whether to take the claims at face value or not currently.