Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

i’m listening :slight_smile:

TBH I don’t remember anything about what I did as scum aside from winning, so I may or may not have done the same “join whichever wagon is present” behavior that I am doing right now.

Oi nitpicker, would you have preferred me to stay on your vanity wagon instead?

zone r u actually claiing miller…?

in the long run, probably not lol

People what can you tell me about Zone?

Ah ****, it’s the royal form. Well then, “Lady Mistyx”, why would you actually take the Miller claim at face value? IDK about katze’s claim, but I was just asking an “if”-question.

Oh, no. I don’t have any plans.
I was legit asking what would happen if there were to be 2 Miller claims.

We have no reason to doubt the claim, if it’s intended as being serious.

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very unpredictable and funky (not in a bad way)

at least in my eyes

No, but now I wish I did because I could’ve gotten better reactions from everyone if I did.

Moody and apparently “difficult to read” even though at least one person was once able to read me like a book. Hey Pot, what about Kettle? What can “the people” tell me about you?

villagery opener

i, like you, would strongly doubt a second miller existing

and would probably tell you to stop fakeclaiming

Oops! Obvtown!

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i love you

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what would you even get out of that tho

“i believe you” “i dont believe you”

5 people continously typed and I was expecting to read a novel. This is misadvertisment.

Has Eli had wolf game yet

Gonna @EliThePsycho this time

…I want to go Seth and vote this for no reason other than gut, but I don’t want to go full-Seth yet.
–anyhow, I hereby repeat that my claim is not even a claim; it was a question. Dunno what the credibility of katze’s claim is though.

Ah, I see. Unfortunately I will have to refuse to listen to you though.
Not only do I LOVE lying, but whenever I am any role other than VT, I would rather keep my role a secret. (Unless I play in NUF, because then things go ******* crazy with the shenanigans.)

With that in mind, I would like to claim… a role with no proper category. (I.e. outside Killing/Protective/Redirective/Investigative)

This ought to be a fun opening.

the council of katze believes this to be a fake post by sirderpsalot

given you’ve wolfed with him before


To whoever didn’t believe in me, I would’ve gotten nothing but scorn out of the pure fact that I am not contributing to the game.

To whoever believed me, I would’ve made them think I am [role] and whatever happens next, I would have fun with it.

setup speculation is not my specialty, but i wouldnt put it past luna to include multiple of the same thing because people tend to value mech and might not believe the whole Double Miller thing

kinda like jojofm with the 2 town fruit vendors

atm i townread zone (unfortunately :wowee:) and idk i lean kat but i feel weird about it bc i feel like i found them too easily lol

feels like v!MU-katze
not… v!FoL-katze

but if you threw me in an f3 with kat and zone rn i’d prooobably believe kat’s claim over zone’s?
brain is beingweird!! aaaaaaaaa katwhy


@ people wondering about mist
She’s roleplaying - likely her flavor
Let her do that
It’s NAI


it’s almost like i’ve played more on MU than FoL this year and have actively stated on multiple occasions that i’m trying to reform myself to being a little bit less of FoL!katze
