Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

the most likely bussers would be Marl or Jane, actually, Marl because he compulsively busses his partners all the time and Jane because they were on the wagon well before EoD which is more likely to be a bus than ‘people casting votes a minute before EoD that might actually kill her’

but like I don’t actually think Jane was bussing I just would give them less cred than I’d give to the people who voted her right at EoD

like in one case I’d give five townpoints and Jane gets three townpoints

but arete i was around at EoD and didn’t care about wagons and a wolf got yeeted

this is, objectively, villagery


wow yes

I have mechanical results indicating that katze is not in fact a VT

it’s also a rolemadness game

hello Mantichora

like im joking but i’m a very high thread presence/impact player so it’s like, probably true

i remember you pointing out mine and sulit’s votes on arete as opportunistic, but not marshal’s
but alright
have you looked at why marshal voted arete? does it not seem sound to you

tell me where you agree with her list please
give me some reasonings
lets do that thought experiment that we did in the past few games
no ‘gut’
give me actual words, no matter how fleshed out the sentences are
its good practice

tbf i partially sheeped marshal with my vote because marshal brought up the prospect of voting there, and a little while after that i had the ‘fuck it, imma resolve the counterwagon’ thought
but marshal contributed to that thought happening in the first place

so marshal isnt really sheeping

does this change anything for you

why do you disagree on derps and sulit?

she made something like that?

alr 1 sec let me ind it

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it deleted my quote as soon as i quoted it

okay I know I said I would write up an explanation of why Zone and Derps are villagers for Marshal but I also have a major assignment for my BA thesis class due by midnight that I haven’t started

so I’m going to go do that first

realistically I’m not a good enough student to actually close the thread and keep it that way so I might pop in periodically but I’m not going to be, like, actively typing a wallpost, because if I do that I will not get my assignment done

Mkay so like

just kill derps

no clue where other ones are (not feeling arete, am still feeling zone tbqh but I don’t think that gets anywhere)


arete was in marshal’s PoE at this point

then zone brought up arete’s EoD vote, and kat commented on it:

then marshal was like ‘bruh i was gunna ask you why you v-read arete’

and provided reasoning for arete possibly being a wolf, which reads as fairly sound to me

then bing bam boom

tldr this doesnt read as particularly opportunistic to me, as marshal was repping a non-townread on arete for a while
idk about a scumread but arete was definitely in their poe before zone brought up the vote

  1. zone is agreeable for one reason; he is being wolfy
    however, i’ve heard he’s in his town meta and he’s only being slightly wolfy so i can discount that probably
  2. derps got spewed town i think
    i feel like somebody disproved that but that might have been some other guy
  3. arete is being obvtown imo, also the ultra fast wagon probably had a few wolves on it

@Marshal, still waiting.
Y’know, it’s almost as if you are avoiding me and scumreading me for no reason other than spite.
–which is ironic because that’s my meta.

'twas me, lol

as in
you disproved derps spewed
or somebody disproved you spewed

alright now lets go a step deeper

try to explain to me how zone is being wolfy, and how arete is being obvtown; as well as you can

Why katze cannot be w/w with WindwardAway
A Deeper Look into EoD1
An Essay by the Esteemed katze

Looking at the katze slot, on the surface it might look like there are very few clues about what their alignment might be, but if you begin looking deeper, a pattern emerges: a pattern of reckless disregard for the safety and longevity of wolves coupled with a disturbing lack of care for which slots die and when. While one might call for charges of gross negligence to be laid upon the duo, a true intellectual would know one thing: if the wagon does not fit, you must acquit.

First, lettuce look at our first piece of evidence: on D1 katze has two modes, he either attempts to control the wagons leading to an advantageous wagon or he attempts to find a somewhat likely villager with better than average reads and attempt to follow that player however things go.

Therein lies the first piece of evidence.

As seen here, katze was ready and willing to simply sheep katze on their push onto katze, even if that push was presented as a “push onto lhf” and weak by many in the thread. In fact, it was the air of “dadv” that caused the Windward CFD in the first place.

The next piece of evidence is even more compelling.

Here we see katze playing a game of Valorant. “What did the wagons look at the time?” you may ask?


As you can see here, the wagons were somewhat up in the air at this point. What’s important to note is two things. 1) Mistyx was beginning to organize the CFD onto Derps and Jane was continuing to push Windward from earlier in the day 2) There was an undercurrent of a potential katze CFD, with players such as katze and Arete both eyeballing the slot.

We see, here, katze leaving the EoD to go play video games. Why? It is most likely because katze did not particularly care about the EoD and would be better spending his time eating spicy cheetos and drinking chocolate milk.

Nay, one might say katze had left the thread, grabbed a cab, and made his away across town to the local Denny’s. There, he may have ordered pancakes or waffles, doused them in a happy helping of maple gasoline (as a Floridian, this would be required of him) and eaten those delicious breakfast cakes while multiple members of the mafia were under threat from the strongest players in the game.

Indeed, one might say katze did not care at all, and indeed they would be correct. In fact, katze was simply here stating intent to follow katze onto katze while planting a vote firmly on his vanity wagon of choice.

Next, look at the timestamps in question:
[Editors Note: I’m too lazy to make this funny.]
04:37 PM
04:39 PM
04:41 PM
04:42 PM
04:49 PM
04:57 PM
05:00 PM

For the last 23 minutes of day, katze only made seven posts. That’s a post ever 3 minutes.

Now, in katze’s best-selling MU article, “A Practical Guide to Open Wolfing”, the expert katze states what he believes (and knows to be) the most important rule of wolfing.

As we can see here, the rules of wolfing are extremely simple. You post. Why, then, would katze not post and instead spend his time ordering sugary cakes? The answer was in front of us this entire time: he simply cannot be a wolf.

So ends the first chapter of our essay. For more tips and tricks, subscribe to our channel, ring the bell, and leave a comment below. Remember to sign up for our weekly giveaway and subscribe to our Patreon for a sneak peak into the second half of this riveting essay.

Stay outed, Wolfgang :+1:

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Missed this.

Uh… possibly?

Jane is >rand v to me
sulit is still >rand v to me
mist is likely town in my eyes
Marl is… sure an alignment.

oh fuckin sweet

i legit was just going to go into your iso and point shit out for the court but now i dont have to touch it for a while

love you