Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If that’s the wolf team the wolves are at 4, 3, 2, and 1 votes respectively

Ok cya for real

I’m paraphrasing uncharitably (and also technically I don’t think it’s literally the last question I asked you

the interaction I’m thinking of is


Marshal going out of her way to discredit (valid!!) reasons for my slot being town feels kind of gross but I’m worried I’m biased since it’s me

also like

you all are way overplaying Marl’s bussing tendencies

yes he busses a fair amount but he doesn’t do literally nothing but bus and go out of his way to make his teammates look associated with each other

(he was town in UPick:)

I think I ~never die tonight but if I do die tonight my preferred cross is ‘Vul → {Vul’s choice of Eli and Atlas}’

yes I am punting responsibility to him to decide between the two of them

I don’t think the team is ever Hippo/Marshal which is what would be necessary for that set of three to be autolosing, if Vul is town and Eli/Arctic is V/W in either direction then this does obviously leave a lot up to Vul but it would have been up to him anyway (i.e. if V!Vul gets it wrong under those circumstances then he would have gotten it wrong anyway and it’s only making us lose slightly faster)

It’s not about your alignment, it’s about a you/Eli team being possible or not

I’m pressing vul on his reasoning because it’s the team I think is likeliest

I guess it makes you likelier to be town by proxy but if I’m mafia you and Eli cannot be w/w anyways for obv reasons

I hate you with every fiber of my being. Why would you make me do this? I do not want this. I want to relinquish this responsibility. Somebody else do this.

Translation: why are you giving me this responsibility when I have incorrectly yeeted villagers this entire game?

Also, this is weird. One person is trying to convince me Marl is a hellbusser, while the other person is trying to convince me he doesn’t bus that much. Which is true? This should be objective knowledge, objective facts, and yet it doesn’t appear to be - because two people have such a vastly different understanding of it.

I’ve already said I’m on the camp of “well, Marl probably wouldn’t bus his entire team for no reason as the Mafia Goon,” while Marshal is trying to tell me they would all bus each other.

I’m not sure if I should believe one of you or just ignore both of you because your schools of thought are completely incompatible. For a moment I thought I could ask Marl for meta, but Marl’s kinda dead, and also a wolf.

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I mean he definitely busses some (see: this game) I just think other people are overplaying it

I want you in the crossvote because you are still very much in my PoE (though your posting has definitely improved today) and I don’t want to have to pick between which of Atlas/Eli I tell you to vote

One side tells me Marl’s interactions with Eli are W/W, while I think their interactions are W/V. Ugh.

Question: why do you want me to crossvote? Do you actually expect anyone other than you to vote for me? I get the impression everyone else is townreading me, so I just need one villager to vote with me tomorrow, unless I vote my wolf partner between Eli and Atlas, which I won’t do as a wolf.

I don’t know, maybe I’m overestimating my position, but this doesn’t seem very productive. Unless you want to see me yeet another villager, in which case, sure, I can oblige. A part of me wants to just vote with my gut tomorrow and see if we win or lose the game.

Considering these quotes from Marl, I honestly think Eli is just a villager and my initial clear on him is correct. Considering I also townread Arete, I am now tinfoiling a Marshal/Atlas team. What has this game done to me?

Maybe I should go for Atlas. I have some stupid reservations about voting Atlas, one of which being that Atlas has not seemed to care where their vote was, but…

Look, it’s very obvious I have no idea, and giving me any responsibility is a terrible choice. If I do get it correctly, it will be mostly down to luck.

If you really do want to ride the Misyeet Vulgard train until the end, then sure.

Every single time I decided to follow my own reads in this game, I ended up yeeting a villager, and now, when I’m trying to follow other people’s reads, those other people are giving completely conflicting reads and I can’t follow all of them at the same time.

I think I have a plan, though, so if you do want me to start the voting tomorrow, I can do it. We’ll see what happens.

It’s kind of difficult to even call this a bus, considering all Marl did was scumread his partner and vote him for like, two posts. That’s not really bussing, is it?

I can’t tell how many of your questions in the last post are looking for answers vs. how many of them are rhetorical

can you maybe quote the ones you want answered

*last posts

I’m trying to figure out why you want me to crossvote, beyond trying to push responsibility for being wrong onto me. And for clarity, I don’t think this is alignment indicative for you, or at least it shouldn’t be. I want to learn people’s headspace, why they say the things they say in this late game period. This is why I’ve been questioning Eli, and this is why I’m questioning you. And this is why I questioned Marshal.