Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

Arete being LW makes literally zero sense from a setup perspective

Go into more detail as to how your miller works

Because if it’s not literally just “peeks as lost wolf” then we could definitely be misinterpreting it

Mist towwwwwning

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how are 4 of my top 4 town in your poe


Don’t threaten me with a good time

Its all coming together babyyyyyy

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3 of my top 4

i can’t read i thought arete said chloe somehow??

speaking of which

marshal is V or i’ll vig her overnight

cool? cool

My case is here.

I don’t know how far behind you are but I think you have time to catch up. idk.

Mist is basically saying what I think myself, Chloe and likely a few others are thinking.

When Mist said that if there’s a LW it’s Katze.
And then that via discussion LW makes little sense.

Like everything’s just logical progression but it doesn’t feel like a grab for towncred.

this isnt like “i have a vig that only shoots wolves” this is “ill read her overnight and decide if i shoot her”

i should probably clarify

Look, I have to go soon.

If you kill me, it’s incredibly bad. Straight up wtf. Straiiiight up mind boggling. Chloe you will feel bad, obviously, you’ll come off of whatever high you’re on thinking you got one and realized you’ve fucked up beyond repair and thrown this game into the gutter.

I’m going to leave a legacy of people you are absolutely not to kill d3. Listen to it. For the love of god listen to it.h

i still think pokeminturieskidryan is a villager slot

thats basically how it works if you simplify it

So chloe

snap out of it

because I won’t be here and could very well die. And that can’t happen. Hooooly fuck that can’t happen.

night chloe jane zone

never kill these people


onesecomdim putting my lunch in the oven

This is quite possibly the slimiest defense you could make

Regardless of alignment

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Look, I have to go soon.

If you kill me, it’s incredibly bad. Straight up wtf. Straiiiight up mind boggling. Marshal you will feel bad, obviously, you’ll come off of whatever high you’re on thinking you got one and realized you’ve fucked up beyond repair and thrown this game into the gutter.

I’m going to leave a legacy of people you are absolutely not to kill d3. Listen to it. For the love of god listen to it.h

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Because I don’t clear people based on effort and how I think of them as a player.

I mean it’s kinda funny and weird that despite yeeting a wolf, you spend early D2 not doing much beside attempting to yeet the cw.

This hurts to look at ngl