Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

My main problem with night is that all of their reads don’t actually have conclusion

In that either they say their reasoning is too weak or they say “this is scummy, but this is towny, so I don’t know”

i liked her approach to your slot and i said as much earlier, yeah

everything after that just feels extremely slimy to me but

can be explained by the idea that’s she’s forcing herself to stay in Thread when she does not want to be.

this is fair
your thoughts lowered the confidence on my scumread but i still dont really
i want more from 'em

is this wolfy or a low confidence villager

It feels like they’re not trying to solve actual alignments so wolfy

I’d have to go back and reread the specific posts to be sure tho

We understand.

We hold to our own opinions regarding Night despite this.

Do you think these support your thought or change it in anyway?

It feels more like village under confidence than agenda

But I feel like a villager would be more proactive to like, actually read people

I don’t know night very well tho

They don’t attempt to follow up on anything

Then you should watch then closer into tomorrow rather then make a hasty decision


Whatsvth questio?

what’s wrong with the post

Thats the post I read up to.
Not that I disliked it that I hated how much I typed

We strongly Trust Nightingale and sulit thus far. Having read into both of their contributions, we have gotten strong feelings that their thoughts towards the Game have been genuine.

We extend our Trust more weakly to Chloe, min, EliThePsycho, katze, and TrustworthyLiberal. The former two have been posting well and often, while Eli’s motivation seems favorable. We are inclined to believe katze’s Claim for the time being, due to how she handled it. Trustworthy’s comfort in Thread seems to be positively indicative as well.

We have had no feelings towards Apprentice, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsALot, or ArcticXI. While the former two are due to lack of Activity, we are slightly concern about the lack of impressions that the latter two left on us, though we are willing to believe that it is due to their Playstyles not meshing well with us.

We are completely unsure how to view Zone, and have not yet attempted to do so.

We were expecting to see more from both Marluxion and Marshal, and are inclined to distrust both until we see something to make us feel confident in Trusting them.

We believe that both WindwardAway and Jane have been actively Suspicious. Windward has been awkward in Thread constantly, and has had poor reactions to pressure, as well as a take on Gorta that we felt did not fit in the flow of how the Thread viewed him. We also believe Jane’s Entrance interacting with the Host but none of the players was suspicious, and they have done nothing to convince us otherwise.


oh ok i’m stupid

Naw I read back I see how you got to that conclusion.

I just yeah lol

/vote wind


give examples

you have only given an example of this after you voted me
plus is it really necessary to elaborate on the meaning of a post being useless? it’s indicative of a wolf trying to appear like they’re doing something through hyperposting and hedge without actually doing anything
i assumed this much was obvious